Grand Canyon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Grand Canyon University know before they start?


I came from a family where educations wasn't important, but putting food on the table was. knowing what i know now about colege life and making the transition I would have told my highschool senior self to take some college classes. i.e. college English 101, and 102. Applied for scholarships and grants, while volunteering more often in the community. Most importantly I would have taking more heed to my elders advice on education.


Hey! Don't freak out it's me...well you...from the future . I just wanted to tell you that everything is going to work out. I know you're stressing about what school you are going to be attending but don't worry, just make sure you go to next weeks college fair. You'll know when you see it. Make sure to ask more questions though, like how hot Phoenix really is. Also, you need to start now on your scholarships. College is so expensive and you never know when the prices are going to increase, so get as much as you can for free. As far as friends go and relationships go, you are going to lose so many so called friends but gain even better ones. Keep your persistence and know that sometimes you won't always be praised for the things that you do. Lastly, I need you to start interviewing people with all kinds of jobs so that when you come to college you won't be as lost. I have to go now because my 200 word limit is ending, but remember to always remember the people who helped you along the way.


You have to stay focused and poisitve. it will get hard but it will not be impossible. Just make sure you set an appropraite amount of time for studying and then let all the other ascepts of your life fit your schedule after that.


Dear High School Self, I know it's senior year and you're tired and I know that you want nothing more than to be done with school. But please don't stop trying. Give every day and every assignment your all until graduation day. I know it's hard, but I promise you can do it and it will pay off. Make sure to apply to more than one school, tour more than one school, make sure you absolutely love where you end up. Don't settle. College it great, but you want to be somewhere that you can feel comfortable at for four years. Learn how to take care of yourself now. Don't wait until you have no other choice. Love your parents, take advatage of the time you have. You are about to start the best four years of your live, and I hope you enjoy them.


Apply for scholarships during high school, after high school, during your first degree, during your second degree, and all throughout your third degree. School is expensive but there are resorces available to you. Never feel stuck, you can do anything you want, no matter how much or how little support you have. Stop each day and be thankful for what you have, never stop being thankful. When it comes to your education, put your heart and soul into it, it pays off. Always be kind to yourself and those around you. Remember to give back even when you feel like you may not have enough to share. Be good to others, be good to yourself, and dream on.


The ability to go back in time is something that is not possible, but it is constantly running through our minds. If I could go back in time and talk to my senior self, I would tell me that life is not over, it was just beginning. My senior year I was 4 months pregnant with my daughter and I felt like life was over. I didn't know what I was going to do or how I would support my daughter. Before getting pregnant, I never saw myself going to college, I was unsure of what I wanted to do with life. Now, 3 years later, I would tell myself to stay positive, not give up because there is good things coming. I would also tell myself that all the things I thought I couldn't do, I did. Such as, graduating high school, continuing college classes and achieving a job.


It’s not always easy to get your schoolwork done, with this chaos around you. However, it does not matter. You have to really push to do your schoolwork, it will pay off in the end. Pay attention to school and don’t think it is a lot of work, college is even more work. Take things seriously, don’t think for a moment that this lesson is unnecessary. All the teachings in school are completely useful and helpful toward your grade. Look up more scholarship opportunities, learn how to find the right ones. College is more money than you could imagine paying, so you will need help. Fulfilling your dreams starts with the money to do so. Learn more about loans, do not plan on relying on them for everything. Do not take out a lot of loans, the interest will hinder your income in the future. Figure out a more suitable way to properly spend the money you receive. Lastly, keep your good attitude. Make sure you stay tenacious and strive for success. Do not get caught up in meaningless procrastination. Stay happy, never find yourself discouraged. You are the only one who can live out your destiny.


As a freshman in college, I now know and understand some of the struggles college students face every day. Currently attending Grand Canyon University, I as well face one challenge that includes finance. In high school, some decision making that I have made have an affect on my higher education experience. If I were to go back in time, I would advise myself to focus more on my education and spend less attention in the social community. Going back to advise myself to focus in class would offer me help to pay for tuition and qualify me for more scholarship opportunities. Going back in time would get me out of a difficult situation and better my position in college.


I would go to school right away. I would tell myself to be honest about what I really wanted as a career. I wish I would have looked into more opportunities to accommodate me going to school as soon as I graduated. I told myself it wasn't possible but I believe I could have done it. I have learned to take my oppurtunities as they come now as there might not be a next time and life is too short to wait.


The first thing that I would tell my high school self is that those college classes you take during high school will matter in the future. Take the time to do well in those classes instead of just skating by with a passing grade. By doing well in those classes the first time you will save a lot of time and money in the future. I would also tell myself that being able to graduate as a junior in high school is not everything in fact it will just be the beginning of a long difficult educational journey. I would offer myself encouragement that you will be able to succeed in college even if it won't be the traditional 4-year college experience. I would say that completing your education will be a struggle at times but not to give up because you can do it. I would say that eventually you will earn a bachelors degree and apply for graduate school, even if it isn't on your time schedule of what you had mapped out for your college education.


While moving to a new place can be scary, it is one of the best opportunities that someone can be given. People are not quite so scary as they might seem. Everyone is eager to make new friends and start over in a completely new place. While it is easy to feel out of place at first, remember that everyone feels that same way. People like to act like they have thier lives put together and are not scared of anything, but everyone feels out of place the first couple of weeks of college. Also, college work is not as bad as people make it seem. While studying is a must, it definitely pays off in the long-run. Having classes that are tailored to your interests is not boring at all, but is actually pretty awesome. Rather than sitting through boring classes, all of the classes that you have to take are completely tailored to your degree. Do not fret young one, college will be one of the best experiences of your life!


I would tell myself to be prepared for a bright future! After attending GCU, I have realized I want to pursue my Master's degree and know that will only open many more doors for my future. My high school self would be happy to know that I have a great future ahead of me and I am realizing more and more how important education truly is.


I would tell myself to worry a lot less about what I am wearing and focus more on what scholarships I am applying to. After being in college for six weeks I would say that here nobody cares how your dress or how your hair looks. The bottom line is that you are here and whether you are excelling in your classes or not. Maybe something I would include would be to pay the extra hundred dollars for the dual-enrollment classes rather than risk it and wait to see if the AP score will be good enough. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time is to study harder and not worry so much about AP and Honors classes. In the end most colleges do not take weighted gpas, so all the hard work in high school is for nothing. If I could go back I would have taken regular classes in order to have exceeded the way I should have instead of breaking myself apart taking classes that were not taken into account for college.


Put away as much money as you can for retirement now. Learn to think like an investor, not an employee. Do not go into debt and get caught up in the rat race of working and spending. Seek passive income of the kind you get from investing or managing a business. Never ever give up! Protect your credit like your life depends on it. Watch for the opportunities to get ahead so that when they come you seize the opportunity. They don't come along often.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior I would tell myself don't 10 years to go to college. By that time you will have a child and have to manage college and motherhood at the same time as a single parent. It would of been more practical to finish college before having children and therefore, I would have a better career. There are so many opportunities given to college graduates. College life can be intimidating, demanding, and challenging and I wish I would of attempted it at a younder age. I would tell myself that it can be a little scary starting something new, but many others are most likely feeling the same as it is a new experience.


Here is a new view on college. Guess What? You really do not have to know what you want to study to start going to college. Part of going to college is to open up new avenues of exploration and to guide you with your choice. Here is the kicker: You are smart enough to do it. Anything worth doing is never easy, but the rewards more than make up for the self doubt of not being smart enough. The other big thing is that you do not have to start out at a big university. You can start at a community college and get a great education to get your college adventure started. Do not be afraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one you do not ask. Another good thing about college is that the people that are at college are there because they want to be, so the disruptions and immaturity are usually gone. Forming a study group is not hard; most people are looking for someone to study with. Use the advisors, financial counselors and teachers/professors most are willing to point you in the right direction.


I'm not sure the person I was as a high school senior would have given the person I am now the time of day, because I wasn't interested in school then. But if I could have such a discussion, it might go like this: "Lynn, the time will come when what and how you want to study will be available; keep your eyes open for that opportunity. It will happen when you least expect it, and when it doesn't seem possible to attend school, learn the material well, and get the grades you deserve--but you need to know that it is possible, and it will happen for you. Even though you will care for family members with disabilities and lose at least one parent before it happens, that will only be a temporary detour on yoru journey. You have the power to leave this world better than you found it, and when you find the right place and time to get the education you want, take a chance on yourself and don't look back. You can do this. You will do this."


Don't procrastinate as easy as it is to say you're not don't because in the long run it can hurt you. Try your very best in every class because college is so much fun and it is a time for you to grow as a person. Right now high school may seem hard but keep trying because in the end it will all be worth it. Growing up in a family where no one went to a university let alone college it's hard to have someone to look up to. But once you graduate you're going to be the one that the little ones look up to and they're eventually going to want to be in the same position you are. They're going to say if she can do it so can I so keep striving to accomplosh you're dream and never sell yourself short because you have so much to offer this world you just haven't realized it yet.


If I would be able to go back and advise myself some tips as a high school senior there would be numerous of things I would tell myself. Time-managing was such an important task. I would tell myself to stop fooling around and actually take the time to study and focus of things that was school related. In addition, I would try to encourage myself to become social and work within a group well. In most of my college classes, I felt that working amongst groups was one important aspect. I would tell myself to be able to handle working with other people when the opportunity was given instead of trying to accomplsih everything on my own. Another thing I would advise myself would be to work for the community. My school prioritized one of their tactics on helping other people within the community. I would tell myself to give my time for some volunteer work, experiencing the ability to help other people without any rewards given. These are one of the three vital factors I would advise myself as a high school senior.