Grand Valley State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I believe we are best known for our Division II football team, who have been National Champs for many years, as well as our small class size. There is a great repor between factulty and students because of the one on one interaction that is possible.


My school is best know for football.


Our school is probably best known for its sports teams. Our football and basketball teams are a big part of Grand Valleys campus.


Their football program


Our school is best known for our football team. We are Division 2, but we have an extremely good team. Our senior class currently holds a 50-1 record in their career.


It's reasonably priced compared to a lot of other state universities.


Football team, the smaller campus size, religious and conservative nature of the area surrounding campus, cheaper tuition


I believe that our University is best known for having a beautiful campus while giving us (the students) an education that we can afford. The type of professors and dedication that they show to us, is also something that I 've never heard of anywhere else in our state.


Football, academics


Very good football team, nice nursing and art program. Very good programs overall.