Great Basin College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Great Basin College know before they start?


The advice would be to go to a different college/university and stay there until you have the education necessary. This is imperative, as without a decent education, you will struggle throughout your career to prove you are smart enough to do the job competently and effectively, no matter the circumstances that may hinder your professional progress.


College is not as scary as people make it out to be. You will meet people who will have an impact that will last your entire life as well as the woman you plan to marry. Dont worry about who has the best car or who has the nicest clothes. In college these things are so small and you will wonder why anyone cared about them in the first place. If you dont get the scholarship you wanted or the class you picked is full dont worry, these things have a way of working themselves out. In the end what matters is you and where you want yourself to be. Anything you want to to is possible with enough dedication so do not put yourself down thinking you can't do it because you can! When first starting out make sure to introduce yourself to your new neighbors. Even if socializing isn't your strong point just saying, "Hello, how are you" will not only make your day better but theirs as well.


If I could go back to age 18 I would remind myself that anything is possible when you work hard to achieve it. I would ask myself to write down everything I ever dreamed of being "when I grew up" and to keep that list close to my heart. Then I would tell me to go seek the help of a financial aid officer, being a minority and homeless but still graduating as the first Student Body President of my High School will look excelent on scholarship applications. I would gently remind myself that asking and seeking help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of an intelligent person. It's a sign of someone who deserves to prove themselves at college and make a great impact on the world.


If I could go back and tell my senior self some advice, I would say to take your senior year slowly and appreciate everything in it. If there is something you don't really like that much or a strict teacher, learn to like them because the year flies by and you will find yourself missing every bit of it once it's gone. This is your last year of having teachers that really care about your school work. Teachers after this year will show up to the class and lecture. Your homework for the entire semester is listed in the class syllabus and they just expect you to turn it in on time. Study for your classes, or you will regret it. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Every year in your life from now on will just fly by, so enjoy every moment.


There are many things I would go back and tell myself. First would be go see an academic advisor. The advisor will ask you questions about what degree you would like to pursue. He or she will put you in the right class and on the right track to getting your degree. Second would be to apply for classes early. To ensure that you can get the schedule that works best for you register for them early before they are full. By applying for classes early you can also order your books early. Go online and check out different websites because you can get your books for almost half price compared to the school bookstore. Don't overload yourself with too many classes. Know your limits. Go see the tutors if you are having trouble. The tutors are free and there are many to choose from . So if you don't understand your teacher there is a tutor that can clear it up for you. The last thing I would tell myself is to talk to school about scholarships when you go in to register for classes early. It never hurts to apply for as many scholarships as possible.


if i could go back to when i was in highschool and talk to myself as a senior knowing what i know now about college i would tell myself to study harder and stop screwing around in classes cause in college they dont put up with that kind of crap. I would also say that the transition from highschool to college is a totally different ball game than the one from junior high to high school. Since you move away from your parents and have to live in the real world not getting handed everything from your parents. You have to go out and get a job and go to school and also find time to study so you do not fail. I would also say that college takes alot more time and effort to pass than classes in highschool there is no make up days its due that day or its a 0. But i would also say that college is the best place to go right out of highschool unless you go in the military.


College can be an overwhelming experience if you don't go into it with the right mind set. Many students fail to understand how important it is to take a college education seriously. College isn't like high school; nobody is more responsible for yourself then you are. Anything you did in high school will have an impact on your college education. High school is just the first step to making a better life for yourself; if you did poorly in high school then you've closed off many of your college options. Although I did well in high school and was really active I slacked off a little towards the end. Always remember to have your ultimate goal in mind so you'll be driven enough to succeed. Nothing is more important than a better and brighter future.


Do not think that you know everything. There is so much you do not know. You will find this out the first week of classes. You also need to go to every class. Do not skip class just because your parents are not there. They will find out when your grades are posted. When you get to college you aren't going to have any friends, and you won't until you go out and meet them! Talk to everyone, even the kids you think aren't cool enough. They are probably cooler than you are. You are going to get homesick. When this happens, call your mother. She misses you just as much as you miss her (and her cooking). If you have siblings you should talk to them often. It will make you feel more at home. Don't waste years partying. Get something out of where you are. Figure it out. If you can't, go home and get a job, then try again in a year or two.


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to be patient! I would say, "Life is not to be rushed through, sit back and enjoy it! Going away to college is not the best option financially! Living at home for a couple years after high school will save money, keep you closer to the people you rely on most, and allow some wiggle room when deciding what major is best for you! It is ok to change your major; you're not a failure if you have to ask for help. No boyfriend or potential boyfriend is worth missing class for!!!!! Having a social life is to keep you sane while going to school, not to distract you from it!!!! Having a job while going to school should help you pay for your education, not distract you from it!!!!! Don't apply for credit cards!!!!! Swallow your pride and don't tell Mom, "Fine." when she asks how things are going, if they're not fine!!!! And last but not least... DON'T PROCRASTINATE!!!!" I guess hindsight is 20/20 but no one ever got to be 'old and wise' unless they were 'young and crazy', right?


When talking with my younger self, I would firmly advise him to prepare any forms he needed well before the end of the academic year and to set up his living arrangements in advance. I would also advise him to double-check everything, especially anything he is told by office workers or professors - they tend to know their office and their subjects, but not the full range of college policy. As to the coursework, I would say that he should not rush, keep calm, and take his time with any assignments he's given. Also, he should ask the professors if he has any questions on the coursework as early in the semester as possible in order to avoid confusion. I'd probably tell him to not take any Art classes, as it's a subjective grade. I'd also tell him that it's not necessary to show up to class an hour in advance every day. The most important thing I could tell him would probably be that colleges have different deadlines, so he should be situationally attentive of those he wishes to apply to - and not to worry about those that don't accept him.


I would tell myself that I shouldn't mess around and take the classes that are important. I would also tell myself to finish school before I would have kids.


Dont choose a college just because its far away. Make sure you go and visit the college and meet some of the people there, make sure you fit into the college lifestyle before making any decisions. Also school is expensive try to get as many scholarships as possible.


Choosing a college is an important decision to be made. What a person wants out of life will help determine what college she plans to attend. It is important for a student to decide what interests him/her before choosing a university, that way he/she can make sure the university chosen can fulfill his/her needs. I also recommend that you finish your degree when you attend college. It is a common thing for a person to take some classes then drop out of college, planning to finish later. Once you leave college and start living ?life? going back and finishing your education is not a priority and if you did not complete a degree program, you could lose the credits for all the classes you have taken. If you work your way from degree to degree, you do not lose the credits and when you decide to finish your education you have a solid foundation to build on. Also rememer that going back to college will be harder because you will have other responsibilities to attend to and you will not be able to devote as much time to your studies as you were able to before.