Grove City College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Grove City College?


GCC offers a challenging and dynamic learning environment that prepares its students to face the world with tools needed to succeed. Not only does GCC offer its students skilled and caring professors in their respective disciplines, but they also require a core of humanities classes to ensure that every student leaves with a proficient level of knowledge in foundational subjects. And this learning takes place in a positive, supportive community of peers from all over the country. There is an active Greek life at GCC as well as many student organizations and the most welcoming Orientation Board you can imagine.


When I talk to my friends about Grove City, one thing I brag about the most is the camaraderie between the students. Everyone there has such strong Christian beliefs that it creates a good environment for focusing on studies and religion and for making lifelong friends who share similar values with you. The teachers also share these Christian beliefs, so they are very fair and compassionate when dealing with their students.


I brag that I am getting a much better education at Grove City College than my friends are recieving at thier schools. All of my courses are much more difficult, and upon comparison, we have covered much more material in my first semester than any other school I have talked to. I feel that I am becoming much more intelligent and am being presented with a much greater challenge in academics than any of my friends that have attended other schools.


I tell people that the school delivers on its claim tobe affordable, rigorous, and genuine.


At GCC, The environment is amazing. The classes are very hard, but the teachers realyl instill in you that if you put the work into it, you can be successful in everything. Also, if there is a subject you do struggle with (no one is good at everything), all of the teachers are very approachable and actually want you to approach them so that they can help you. GCC is the type of school where many of straight A students go, but the teachers here firmly teach that our education isn't about making the grade, it's about learning.


Conservative Christian smart-kid school, everyone is super friendly and academically oriented


Part of Grove City College's motto is the promise of "Rigorous Academics". Although extremely challenging at times, it is fulfilling to attend a school which so faithfully applies this statement to their classes. Grove City College is a small campus, so many people assume that the academics at such a tiny school are second rate. In contrast, the academics are second only to, or even on level with those of an ivy league institution. This is a point of pride for both the students and faculty of the college.


The quality of the education I am receiving, the genuinely Christian focus of my courses, and of course the best friends and classmates anyone could hope for :)


The career placement services, rigor of classes, low acceptance rate, average athletic fitness level of students, participation in IM sports.


The academics--GCC may be ridiculously difficult academically, but the education is totally worth it. I have been stretched intellectually and have grown to develop a lifelong desire for learning. I love the intellectually stimulating atmosphere that engulfs the entire campus, and I love being able to engage in a lively discussion or debate anywhere at any time. The professors are always challenging students to learn more, think more deeply, and search for better answers. The education I have received here is simply phenomenal!