Grove City College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Grove City College?


a person looking for an event to go to or something to do on or off campus every evening should look else where. this is an academics focused institution and not alot goes on. the nearest small city is 30 minutes away, there is never anything going on in town so if you want to do anything off campus you MUST have a car. NOT a party school by any means


Anyone who is not an excellent student, or has poor time management skills that cannot be quickly fixed, or cannot stand being in a Christian atmosphere, or who will let weather affect their mood, or will not give their best effort under all circumstances, should not attend Grove City.


Grove City College operates under an obvious conservative bias; the professors and administration aim to instill a conservative Christian worldview in the students, but neglect to even mention any opposing opinions in the curriculum. The student body also lacks diversity in backgrounds and beliefs, causing a single-tracked and often close-minded outlook in most discussions.


A student should not attend this school if they are not serious about taking responsibility for their education or interested in taking responsibility for their actions as they pertain to the college community as a whole.


Grove City College is not the place for you if you... #1: Prefer "easy A classes" where you can slack off and don't need to do the assigned work or reading #2: Are not concerned about your future employment #3: Are not going to become involved in a great variety of extracurricular activities #4: Are looking for crazy parties (especially with alcohol and drugs) #5: Want to live in a room next to a person of the opposite sex (because males and females live in separate buildings with intervisitation only on the weekends)


Someone who is excited and motivated to work hard and get a good education. Additionally, since GCC is a Christian college, it is definitely a bonus to be religious - or you may become one while you are here. GCC attracts hard-working and successful individuals who are motivated and excited about life .


Anyone who needs lots of scholarships and monetary funding should not attend this school, because it only offers one loan option through a local bank and accepts NO federal funding.


A person who is lazy, easily discouraged, or very different from the average Grove City College student would likely have a hard time there. GCC students tend to be very much alike in a lot of ways, and people who are dramatically different from most have a hard time establishing a social network.


If you like to party, make friends, watch sports, meet a variety of people, see the world, have easy access to public transportation, cultural activity, and are environmentally contientious - please save yourself some peace of mind and don't even bother applying. You will spend your weekends studying and at church. The people here are close minded and you can forget mentioning anything liberally oriented.


A person who wants to come to school to party and drink. They will want out after two weeks.