I believe that I am getting a great education at a well respected school. I am learning more about myself and learning to be more independent. I have met some interesting professors and have made some friendships that will last a lifetime. Grove City College has been a good choice for me. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering and I am enjoying this field of study and looking forward to a great future.
So far, I have learned many things about myself that I did not necessarily want to know, but discovering these things and being able to work on them has helped me as a person. I have already learned quite a lot in and out of the classroom, and I have been able to explore many different activities, as well as focus on those I enjoy the most.
When you attend college, you get just a glimpse of how the big the world is and how many different types of people there are. However, you come to realize that there are many people like you out there too. For example, I was only one of the few devout Christians at my high school. When I got to college, I was comforted by the fact that there are so many people working toward the same goal that I have - to love, serve, and obey the Lord! It made me feel not quite so alone. It has been a valuable experience that I would never trade. I now have gained much confidence in myself and in my faith. I feel like I am being prepared to live life after college much better than I would have been if I hadn't attended college, especially such a challenging and rewarding college such as Grove City.
I have grown so much since I began college for the first time at age 18. I stopped and started again at age 24 and now, at 27, I have a 17 month old daughter and have just graduated with my AA. The educational opportunities and experiences I have encountered over the past 3 years have been invaluable in regards to my growing as a person. I have been forced into uncomfortable, difficult situations; studying for finals at 3am after rocking my crying daughter to sleep for the nth time. Nights that seemed never ending, time after time breaking through the thoughts of "why am I doing this?" "It's not worth it" "It's too hard", etc. to emerge on the other side, triumphant and more confident than ever that I really can reach my goals and fulfill my dreams of becoming a teacher. Though impossible to know it at the time, through every difficult plight, my character was being stretched, molded and tested and I have come through the fire, refined and ready for whatever lay ahead.
I believe education serves purposes beyond simply preparing one for a career. A meaningful education not only achieves this preparation, but also empowers one to help others through their own, newly refined abilities. I feel that my own education can be a valuable means of expanding my capacity to help others and positively affect my community. The decision to attend my local community college, Los Angeles Pierce College, turned into a significant experience of my life. Many obstacles were presented by attending Pierce, such as having no official transfer curriculum, transfer agreements, or counselors to guide me to my four-year university. However, I managed to secure and thrive in my required courses. I have learned through this entire process that my success depends on my determination and perseverance. Along the way, I have developed persistent, resourceful, and motivated characteristics. Consequently, the confidence in my ability to accomplish both my educational and career goals and to take control of my future has expanded immeasurably.
My experience at Grove City College has been enlightening and inspiring. I have grown even further in both the spiritual and academic sense. This has been the beginning to an exciting stage of my life. I have not once regretted ever attending this colllege and would recommend it to anyone who desires to be challenged in every aspect of their life.
I have gotten so much out of my college experience so far! Grove City has amazing academics, it is a great Christian environment, a very safe campus and very affordable. The academics are challenging but I learned a lot just in my first year. I have had the opportunity to play varsity and intramural sports, participate in ministries, and make many wonderful friends. I highly recommend Grove City to anyone looking for a good Christian school with a good academic reputation.
The most important thing I gained from my college experience is self respect. I never considered myself smart before or even really all that educated. Going to college has changed that. I now have a 3.5 GPA and am very knowlegable in all sorts of different subjects. It feels good. I have learned so many knew and interesting things. Things I never even thought I would be interested in. School has inspired me to learn as much as I can. I believe college is a very important experience and definatly worth attending. Attending college has given me self respect, a new insight to the world, and tons of new interests to go along with it.
Because I am a secondary math education major, many of my courses focus on guiding me to the teaching profession. I enjoy my math and education courses and genuinely believe they are preparing me to become a meaningful teacher and to positively change the lives of my students; however, my college education encompasses more than these academic courses.
Today I woke up to the blessings of a (semi-)full night of sleep in a comfortable bed, a hot, (semi-)delicious breakfast, and the opportunity to attend classes taught by brilliant instructors. This past semester, my thankfulness for my joyful college experience has been transformed into a desire to repay these gifts with service, so that I may pass along some of my joys and blessings to others. By participating in several on-campus ministries including Prison-fellowship and Adopt-A-Grandparent, attending a mission trip over Easter Break, and applying for an internship at a Christian summer camp for urban youth, I am learning that serving others offers more fulfillment than any individual success. Every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I learn to praise God for this incredible college opportunity by ministering to others.
The most helpful thing to know when first coming to college is to stay on top of work, but still find time to have fun. The work that is put onto students can be extremely overwhelming at times, but if they put things off, it only makes the work that much harder. The only thing is that it's also very important to fit fun in somewhere too. College is when people are figuring out how to be more responsible and to become independent while getting ready to work in a profession that they are likely going to do for the rest of their life until they retire. That is a lot to put on someone all at once. There needs to be some type of fun or stress release in their lives so that they do not get overwhelmed. I personally wouldn't have been able to make it through the first semester and still be mentally stable if I had not found a way to have time for fun. It has kept me sane under the pressure. With the combination of getting the work done and some type of fun/stress release, college can be an amazing experience.