Gustavus Adolphus College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


GREATNESS in ALL aspects of Education. Education in all academic specialities, MUSIC and DRAMA and LIFE and GOODNESS! For over 150 years Gustavus Adolphus has endured the test of time and those that are lucky enough to attend this fine school, must have an INATE sense of PRIDE and be DRIVEN TO SUCCEED. This is a WONDERFUL COLLEGE and it is NOT for goof offs, or lazy people or close minded students. I visited many colleges and had many to choose from. In ALL aspects of what I needed in a college, GUSTAVUS WAS and IS the ONLY CHOICE!


The only Noble Conference in America, which held every year on our campus.


A small Lutheran college. Host of the Nobel Conference. Popular for its Biology and Psychology majors.


Gustavus is best known for the accessibility of its professors and guidance counselors. It is easy to meet with the professors because they all have office hours and many are willing to set up a time with you if you can't make their office hours. There is also lots of help available for academic advising, study abroad planning, and general advice. I was able to get help planning out a four year schedule in my first few weeks here. There is lots of support everywhere you turn.


I think our school is best known for our Noble Conference. Held on Tuesday and Wednesday on the first week of October, Gustavus Adolphus hosts the Nobel Conference and is the only school in the nation to hold this high profile event. Each year a specific topic is picked including everything from medicine to alternative energy resources. Gustavus invites Nobel Laureates to speak at our school for this event. Many students as well as a large population from surrounding areas attend. It is a phenomenal event that my school has the privelege to host.


science and the great community


the great atmosphere and community


Gustavus is best known for its friendly community feel. It's truly an experience of environment. I've learned so much in the classroom because of the supportive classroom outside. It's not perfect, but it's still pretty fantastic. Golden Gustie


Music, sports, academics, science


School Spirit, great social scene, quality education, close-knit-family feeling, your degree means something, alumni relations are great, amazing on-campus jobs, great people, great place.