Gustavus Adolphus College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Gustavus Adolphus College?


We have the best food and professors! The profs are all well established in their fields and are super friendly, they love getting to know the students! And the food is always delicious. We have salmon, and ham, and a burrito bar, and a fresh salad/veggie/fruit line... and the meal options change everyday, and it's always open!


Great food! Great teachers! Great everything!


I brag about the education I am receiving. Its just such a great school and we are getting a good education that will help us get a job in our field after graduation. I also tell them about the size of the college, its perfect for me; its great that you know almost everybody and everyone greats or smiles to everyone else. Its just a great feeling and vibe that you have when you are on campus.


The community at Gustavus is so cool. Everyone supports each other and feels at home among their peers. It's a really tight knit school.


The great support offered through my college. Wheter it be academic, physical, emotional, or career support I can find it right on campus.


I love going to a small school, especially away from home, because I was forced to meet new people and make new friends. I have so many strong friendships that will last a lifetime. I love walking to class and seeing so many people that I know. In my opinion this quality of a small school is highly underrated because all my friends went to either Madison or University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and haven't branched out at all and I relish my ability to meet so many new people and create lifelong friendships.


The high quality cafeteria food, the free on campus movies, and the high quality of our dorm rooms.


i have good relationships with almost all of my professors. The professors are interested in teaching students and helping them succeed. The small classes have helped me meet many new people and I really enjoy it here.


The school spirit and academic support from other students and professors.


the food, and friends