Gustavus Adolphus College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gustavus Adolphus College know before they start?


My advice would be to go with a school that you feel comfortable in and one that has extra-curricular activities that you would want to participate in because it is one of the best ways to meet people with similar interests. I would also suggest finding a school that is very helpful in assessing your needs in all aspects of being a student , and one that gives you a favorable financial aid package.


I highly reccommend using summers and other "iterim" terms wisely. It is easy to run out and get any part-time job to make money for tuition or extra spending money. However using this time to do internships or research will help you know more what career path you want to take and will also give you experiences to talk about during job interviews. Or you just many find out what things you hate in a job and it may save you time later in life finding out that something you thought you wanted to do is really something you don't enjoy!


I think the most important thing a student can do to find the right college is to visit the school, preferably on a normal class day. It is impossible to truly grasp the atmosphere of the campus without being present. It is also important to examine the academic profile of each school and attempt to find a college where the student will be challenged without being overwhelmed. A talk with an admissions counselor can help potential applicants determine this. Once a college has been chosen, I would suggest living in the dorms for at least one year and requesting a random roommate, rather than an old friend. This guarantees an acquaintance from outside of classes and helps a new freshman enrich their experience by forcing them to consider friendships with those different from themself and different from their high school clique. An integral part of the college experience is the formation and development of a variety of unique relationships with people often very different from oneself. The best way to strengthen these relationships is to stay on campus most weekends, for out-of-the-classroom adventures are what truly make each college experience unique.