Hamline University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hamline University know before they start?


As my mother often says "what an old man sees sitting down, a child will not see standing up". I can actually say I have matured as compared to the time when I was in high school. while at high school I cared alot about the number of friends I had, if they were like me and if people liked me. I saw life as a bed of roses, becuase my family tried no matter the situation to provide me with what i needed. At times I got angry at my mother for not giving me credit on my results and grades. I thought second or third best was good enough. Today all I think of is that am blessed to have such a family, it feels like turning back the hands of time and saying thanks. I know it is important to have friends but friend who can help me grow . I pay tuitions from loans and maybe a few grants, I study hard and aim for the best because it has dawned on me that I have to take care of myself. I guess while in high school I was not looking foward to this stage of life.


I would tell myself to take as many college classes as I could. Also I would say not to get discouraged when I first get to college if I feel alone because it takes time to get used to a new place and setting. Just try a lot of different things and talk to different people. Invite your roommate to go out and do something. Explore campus and see what you can find. Sit in a different spot in class each day. Try different foods in the dining call. Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut. Explore your options and oppurtunities. There is a lot going on on campus and most of it is really interesting. But in all of this exploring, remember to keep up with your studies. It is very easy to fall behind in class. If you don't understand something, talk to the professor or another classmate. Form a study group. But stay on top of things. Don't get sidetracked when a paper is due the very next day. Get a good balance between having fun and studying. That's the best way to go.


Basically, I would say college isn't scary at all; in fact, it is almost identical to high school but even better. Sure, classes are tougher but the beauty is that you get to pick the classes to take. Another plus is that you get to pick when you want classes. I would also tell myself that college isn't just about getting good grades, its about learning; it doesn't matter if you get a D in statistics, as long as you learned something.


If I were able to go back as a high school senior, I think that I should have taken more college prep classes or college in the classroom classes. I think I could have used my senior year to work on the transition process from high school to college. While I did well in high school and took some college in the classroom classes, I wish I would have done more through the post-secondary options program. In this program, I could have taken more classes in the local community college setting. I was very active in my high school through various clubs and organizations including student government. I felt that this also provided me with some positive experience especially in student government. While this was good experience, it didn't necessarily follow me into the college setting. With the competition between students for spots in colleges as well as scholarship opportunities, I see now that it's very important to get an early start with college and college expectations. I have actually given this advice to friends/relatives of mine who are now seniors and juniors. I've told them to get as much college prep as possible.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to take learning more seriously. In high school I learned information in order to pass tests and get good grades. Now that I'm in college, I am realizing that higher education is meant to train students to become professionals in their field of study. Although it is important to get good grades, it is also important to retain the information you learn and be able to relate it to the real world.


Do not stress in high school about college. Do your best in High School and take classes of things you are interested in, not what people tell you that you need to take. You will love college so much and do so well. It is the best time of your life and you will make so many amazing friends. Relax.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a senior in high school I would tell myself many things. I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as I can because in the long run, I really do need them more than I thought I did. I would tell myself to join as many activites and clubs in school to get more experience. Lastly, I would tell myself to stop procrastinating on my homework, because in the end it is what will really help me pass my tests and bost my grades. Throughout my senior year of high school I was so concentrated on completing everything that needed to be in order for me to get out of there and be done. I applied to as many colleges that I could to guarentee me a furture education. I did not think about my financial stability or the amount of debt I would soon be in. I would tell myself to gain further knowledge about college and make sure I knew what was really coming to me financially.


I would tell myself, "Hey you know all those AP classes you took in highschool?" "Yep it is pretty much like that everyday". You need to dedicate what time you have to schoolwork, work, and scholarships because it isn't going to get any easier. Hard work and determination is what is going to help you succeed in college.


Keep up the hard work. I stressed out a lot about college, my GPa, scholarships, etc, but it was all worth it. I was able to afford an amazing college with scholarships and financial aid and got many transfer credits. I worried a lot, but I wouldn't change a thing.


Over the last six years I have chosen to put my educational focus on media, more specifically photography, film, production, cinema, and advertising. Within the past year I have acquired employment with the Media Creations at Lansing Community College to get knee deep into my media training I have also started an internship at Focal Point Digital Advertising located in Jackson, Michigan. That is why I have chosen the program offered by MSU open to all students “Advertising and Public Relations a la Mediterranean (Italy and France)” to be my focus and aspiration. This particular set of classes is tailored to the type of media jobs I would like to have after my degree is complete.