Hamline University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Hamline University?


It has a good education, but it could have more majors and more activities.


It is very difficult to develop friendships if you don't immediately get extremely involved in your first year. There is also a good portion of students who are going to the school only because of athletic scholarship, and they don't really care about anything else at all.


the night programming


The most frustrating thing about Hamline is the Hamline plan, though well intentioned it is poorly executed. The run around involved is hardly worth the effort put forth.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that it does not put a lot of money or effort into athletics. The sports are under-funded compared to other universities in our region.




How much it costs to go there.


Our President. I don't think she properly represents the atmosphere of this school and manages our budget poorly. We need a new student center but instead the university bought a new mansion for her. I don't think the university listens to students' needs as often as they should.


The homework load, most definitely. Also, the amount of extreme liberals (democrats).


Some of my classmates don't care about going to school for class. Some also don't understand that some of us are paying a lot for this educations on our own that they are just taking for granted.