Hampshire College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Hampshire College accurate?


The stereotype exists here, but does not make up the majority of the student body. The majority of students are intensely creative and motivated in multiple areas of both academic and extra-curricular learning.


There is a lot of pot (and other drugs) on hampshire campus, but it's not all we do. It is certainly possibly to do nothing, but isn't that possible at any school? Some of the most creative, driven, and hard working people I've ever met go to Hampshire.


No. People here are genuinly engaged in studies they are interested in. The pot use is not any more than any other school. Having no grades is actually more difficult.


For the most part.


Some Hampshire students are potheads, but most slackers drop out of Hampshire after their first semester.


Hampshire is full of alot of hippies, and pot is pretty prevalent on campus, however, I doubt it's any more popular on our campus than it is on any other campus. And the workload at Hampshire is pretty intense. Because we don't test, we write ALOT of papers, and just because we don't get grades, doesn't mean we get off easy when our work is crappy.


Intense drug use isn't really common and there is actually a really large sub-free population. It is true that Hampshire is essentially entirely rich white kids and hipsters and hippies certainly outweigh any other look.


While there are plenty of people who do experiment with pot, the stereotypes are by no means true.


There are indeed many "hippies"..... but they are all unique. Some do drugs, some don't. Some are vegan, some carnivores. There's really a huge range. And actually I'd say there are far more hipSTERS than hippies. You know, the people who listen to really obscure music and film. Lots of artistes. And then there are the studious kids, the kids who get drunk every night, the gamers. Awesome school to go to if you're a people watcher.


You can find a fair number of people who fit these stereotypes. However, they are far outnumbered by self motivated, passionate people who are really involved in changing the world.