Hampshire College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Hampshire College?


my professors are some of my best friends. we go out to dinner together, go to the bar, spend time talking about shared interests. they hold the bar very high for students, but certainly get to know their students and tailor their classes accordingly. most hampshire classes are extremely rigorous and interesting.


I rarely miss class or even want to miss class, because I'm very involved with my studies and committed to my learning. You don't go to a $45,000/year school if you want to slack off. And don't, if that's your plan, because you're taking away a spot for someone who is really excited about the academic opportunities that Hampshire has to offer. My favorite classes have been my writing classes. Though I don't recommend taking two writing courses in one semester, and neither do advisers, I've done it. Will Ryan is incredible, and Will Ryan with Bob Rakoff is even better. Also, Michael Lesy, though a little crazy and harsh at times, presented me with some of my most challenging courses and helped me develop some of my strongest pieces of writing.


Are pretty good. People don't take advantage of the ability to do independent studies as much as they could. Professors seem to go on sabbatical or leave the school a lot which can make it difficult when there are not many people in each field.


We have a number of great teacher, whom students can work very closely with. The Arts, social science and Humanities schools are overcrowded and contain the usual mix of brilliant students and pretentious masturbatory fluffheads. Cognitive science has a mix of brilliant and boring teachers, with very dedicated students. Natural Science is far and away the most student friendly, productive and academically rigorous of the schools. It is the only school to have weekly meetings to discuss school-related events and projects, and has somehow been both the most progressive in its educational policies and the most reasonable.


Class size is small, and intro level courses are normally really terrible. Some of the more advanced classes are good. Students in these classes are normally self motivated and already knowledgeable on the subject. Students are not competitive at all. It's a very friendly learning environment. On the other hand you would be a fool to take all your classes at Hampshire. Any student worth his salt in any field takes classes off campus to supplement Hampshire's limited course selection. Hampshire probably won't get you a job, but it's fairly well looked upon by graduate schools. I came here because you can study for the sake of learning. Relationships with professors are normally friendly and informal. I have had more than one professor ask to be called by their first name. Students have been known to grab a beer with favorite professors.


Hampshire's philosophy is learning for your own sake. Our classes range from very small (10 students) but can be up to 50 students, I'd say on average class sizes are about 16-20 though. Environment is really friendly, teachers know students names, students call teachers by first name and have a very friendly and good relationship. Depending on the class, each student studies differently, I know I study a lot more for some courses than others. Class participation is a must at Hampshire. My "major" is Mathematics and Education. Our college has a fantastic education program, and a pretty decent mathematics department. Through Mt.Holyoke (love the consortium) I am going to be able to get my license to teach high school mathematics.


Hampshire students have plenty of intellectual conversations outside class. It can be hard sometimes, because there aren't a ton of professors available for any given concentration. Luckily there's the five college consortium, though. Literature people should definitely take a class with Polina Barskova. Hampshire classes are very discussion-based, for the most part, although lectures play a role as well.


All my professors know my name. My favorite classes are art and writing class because I actually get to do tons of art and writing. I hate the occasional lecture class, that is why I came to Hampshire! Students are very laid back...too laid back, you can get away with murder here. My major is Studio art and Creative Writing, the requirments for the creative writing department are take whatever the hell you want, the requirements for the art department are take only art classes...therefore i am a creative writing concentor taking half and half.


Sometimes professors who you've never talked to know your name.