Hampshire College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hampshire College know before they start?


The first and most important aspect to consider is how satisfied and happy you will be in your academic studies. This does not neccessarily mean you know exactly what you want to major in or do but you want to be comfortable in your learning environment and with college there is more of an opportunity to really find a place that suits you, unlike with traditional highschools. That said, it is not as simple as pure academic considerations, but also the social environment and location need to be take into account. I do not believe it is possible to have a good experience at college if you absolutely hate the social atmosphere or the location of the college, even if you are quite satisfied academically. So, you need to think about finding a balance there. However, to be certain, academics come first and I would think it rather silly to go to a college based on the social or location alone or above the academics, since in the end, you are not paying large amounts of money to socialize but to learn. The last thing to consider is the money. College is going to cost a lot of money.


I have found that my most important issues with my school is the range of extra-curricular clubs and activities and the academic structure. One must judge to what extent they can direct their own learning and choose a college with an academic program accordingly. I have also found that participation in extra-curricular clubs has truely helped me connect with my school and find my passions. I would say, find a school with a fitting academic structure and a school with a wide range of clubs and activities.


Take your time finding the right college, there is a college for everyone and its only a matter of time before they find the one they are looking for. I fell in love with Hampshire before i even took the tour but that wont happen to everyone either. just take the process one step at a time and try not to rush for a school without visiting it before or doing some research on it


Definately look at and ivestigate as many schools as possible. Try to find one that fits your academic needs as well as your environmetal and social needs. Visit the school beofre to accept.