Hampton University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Hampton University? Why?


I believe the worst thing at Hampton University would be the Falculty/Staff's disregard for the healthiness and cleanliness of the school. The campus it's self is clean but the dorms are sub par and the old cafeteria is really bad. However, they are building a new cafe which will hopefully clear up somethings s far a that goes. Also, I think the school spririt could be better too. We know how to party but when it comes to supporting sports teams we don't have too much spirit.


The forming of cliques. Granted, all schools have there cliques, but it's to the point that they seem like mini greek life associations.


The worst thing about Hampton is the cafeteria. It is the worst because it is located under a freshmen dormitory and the food is not appealing at all. Also the cafeteria does not have restrooms located inside the cafeteria.


Overall adjusting to a new environment, having to manage one’s own fund is the biggest challenge while being at Hampton. I have no concerns in regards to Hampton University. I love my Home by The Sea.


the worst thing about my school is the run around


I think the worst thing about Hampton University would be the run around that make you go through to get paper work done.


There is not as much diversity as there should be even though it is an HBCU. Also some of the rules that are in place seem to be unnecessary.


The worst thing about Hampton University is the food variety and not having visitation. At other schools there is usually a variety of restaurants and food places to choose from but at Hampton there is only the cafeteria and Chick fil A. The food is good but i do not want to eat chicken 5 days out of the week. At Hampton freshman students do not have in room visitation which is the biggest downfall.


I consider the worst thing about Hampton University is the cost of attendance. It cost close to $30,000 per year.


The worse thing about my school is the culture. The people within the school are all different yet the same in most aspects. Since Hampton is one of the smaller Historically Black Colleges and Universities, I find it hard to maintain a strong social life with some individuals because of my own personal interests. I find that either the people are too openly wild, or too closed and secluded. Although I have many friends and associates and enjoy networking, I still have not found a middle ground with some.