Harrisburg Area Community College-Harrisburg Top Questions

What should every freshman at Harrisburg Area Community College-Harrisburg know before they start?


If I could go back, I would tell myself not to be so intimidated by the financial burden of the school you are dying to attend. Don't worry about the impact your leaving will have on your family; they love you and want to see you succeed. Don't take that year off to evaluate if you really want what you think you do, and work to save money. You won't. You'll get caught up in a world that seems great, but believe me, the greatness of it fades fast. You will waste money dropping out of a school that you justified for yourself, only to find yourself years later settling on the only school you can afford. Follow your dreams no matter what the cost; the real world experience you'll get outside of school is important, but you have the rest of your life for that. Nothing will ever take away the regret you'll feel for not having grabbed life by the horns and going after what you really wanted. You are an intelligent and independent young woman...dive in and don't be scared!


Even though I have had a grim and strenuous past; arduous events are the tests of our resilience and how we choose to move forward. I will not be a victim again, nor will I be yet another that sits and watches passively. These occurrences have changed me forever and directly affected those around me. My intention is to continue to cause effect and change, but from here on out t will be done positively versus the havoc I have endured. I cannot honestly name a more eye opening and heart wrenching experience than having the person that you once viewed as your best friend and loved unconditionally as your biggest fear and threat. I was naive and idealistic in regards to domestic violence and the judicial system. It is my goal and mission to help make change and deliver the level of compassion, humanity and legal allegiance that I was denied and once believed in without hesitation. For that, I deem myself as lucky. Luck is by chance and change is by choice. I wouldn?t change who I am and that is due to what I have endured. The key is to learn and not repeat mistakes twice.


College is nothing like highschool. When you get there be prepared to take notes. If its put on the board write it down, if the teacher repeats it write it down, and if its put in a power point write it down. Go to tutoring if its offered you may think your work is worth an A but you should always get a second oppinion.Apply for your fasfa as soon as you do your taxes.the sooner the better. Use your time wisely or you'll fall behind. Get Your Work In on time. And most important bring snacks and a drink the classes are much longer than a highschool class period.


Pass GO. Collect $200. Go directly to College. DO NOT HESITATE! Pick a Major that reflects your personality and will help you grow as an individual AND as a productive member of society in todays world. Leave behind more than what you came in with. Aquire any resources that will transform your dream into a reality (e.g. grants, scholarships, loans, etc.). Enroll in a work/study program to show how important your education means to yourself and others. Limit your exspenses and roll any leftover funds into furthering your education. Try to get the most out of the least. Use your education aquired as a way of giving back for what you have received. Set future goals, ahead of you in life, that will help you to stay on track throughout your education and beyond. Use your education to better yourself, your fellow man, your country and your world. Be the best YOU you can be. Mainly, always love yourself and what you want to do in life. Make your education work for others besides yourself. Use your Degree as the key to open the doors of possibilities, and that will leave an imprint on the world around you.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to straighten up my acts because college doesn't just hand you good grades. They are more strict on due dates, attendence, and doing work in general. You need to take notes, whether it's on something big or small. You never know what is going to be on a test or when a random test will come up. Make sure you attend every class. If you miss one, call your professors and let them know that you won't be there and why you won't be there. If it's a test day, don't miss class no matter what. Unless it's a major emergency. And if you happen to miss it, call and schedule the test with your professor.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to relax and stop worrying about how everything would turn out. I would tell myself that everything would be just fine and that college is not as big of a deal as everybody makes it out to be. If you just keep studying like you are doing now in high school and doing your best, you won't have any trouble. I would encourage myself to stand up for what I believe in now in preparation for doing the same in college. I would remind myself to take projects one step at a time and to practice managing my time wisely in preparation for the numerous class projects that are all due in the same week. I would tell myself to take make time for exercise and to eat healthy foods so that my body will be at its best for class. Lastly, I would tell myself to keep God first and to spend time daily in His Word, the Bible because no matter what happens, God will always be with me, and he will take care of my needs.


If I could go back in time and be a senior in high school. I would have gone to a 4 year college instead of a community college. For me tranfering to another school is very hard since I am in a routine and I have friends at my school and I am scared about leaving that. If I knew back then that I do now I would also have study more my first year of college. I did not take it as seriously as I should have.


As a high school student I never took studying for a test seriously nor did I realize I how difficult it would to pay for school. For me, taking test was very easy i hardly studied yet I excelled on all of my exams which I believed would transition well to college. Also in my final year I thought working and going to school would be a easy task for me to over come. Due to my poor study habits if I would go back in time and have a talk with myself as a high school senior I would lecture myself about how much work ethic is needed for every class. I would then tell myself that studying is a must for all classes in order to succeed in them. I also would advise my younger self that working and school is very difficult to do at the same time and I would need to devote all my time to my studies.


The advice I would give myself is to never drop out of college the first time and to try harder and longer to get help with financial aid and scholarships. I would also tell my high school self that in order to get what you want in college, grades wise or a good career, that you have to work hard and try your best to accomplish the goals you set for yourself.


Do not juggle too many balls. If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior, even a first semester college freshman, I would most definately tell my sell to limit the balls I am trying to juggle. Focus on college and not your part-time job, college, friends, etc. College as a freshman is hard enough and , yes, I was warned that I should not work too many hours as a freshman in a part-time job.. but did I listen? NO, I did not. Now i am playing catch up with credits. Limit the amount of things you must do, prioritize the things you want to do and LISTEN to advise from those that have been there.