Hartwick College Top Questions

Describe how Hartwick College looks to someone who's never seen it.


i love my school, they have given me a home where i can come home at night after all my classes and not have to deal with my father being drunk again. I want to succeed, and this school is the school that will help me become a strong independent woman that i long for, for so long. I want to come from this school being me, and being happy, and have a bright future ahead of me. Its scarry in the big world, but time is always moving, so I need to keep moving right along with it.


Just Small enough to get what you need but just big enough not to see people everyday


Hartwick college, is a small private college, that is full of opportunities. No matter what area of study one follows, they will be succesful! Dont forget, besides becomine highly educated, you'll meet some of the best friend ever!


Hartwick is a small, friendly, Liberal Arts College that focuses on making sure its students are well-rounded when they leave.


It is a small college with a beautful campus and dwindling greek life.