Harvard University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Harvard University accurate?


80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} true.


Not for all, but they are based onsomething


The first one is true to a limited extent (most of the time, no). The second one is also true to a limited extent (think: Government concentrators at Harvard v. Engineering majors at MIT)


A small percentage of the student body seems to be represented by the stereotypes mentioned above - at least superficially. The rest are made up of the collegiate mix seen in every other university in the US. Thats what I'd imagine at least.




Not entirely - but the stereotypes had to have come from somewhere


The second one is very accurate...


for the most part, no. the financial aid is very extensive, so there is a lot of diversity across social/economic groups. it is always interesting to discover people's hidden talents, skills, and experiences. people generally are very intelligent, but people are accepted on a far wider criteria than "school intelligence". The competitiveness depends on the Major: pre-meds and pre-laws are the most competitive, but in general people like to cooperate much more.




a, b, c are all true to a certain extent. Harvard has its share of Intel finalists, though perhaps not as many as our technical neighbor down the road, and its share of wealthy blue-blood American aristocrats, and its share of workaholics. d is certainly not true - most students here work extremely hard and getting a diploma here, while it certainly opens some doors, is no guarantee of anything.