Harvard University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Harvard University? Why?


The worst thing is that it is not really a party school and your social life is focused on very toolish qualities like academic achievement and power in extra-curriculars.


Lack of academic and personal advising for underclassmen.


Lack of social interaction, competitiveness


The elitism. People believe they are better than others and try to impose their ways of life onto them. Never a fun thng to be around.


Sometimes the political climate can be overwhelmingly liberal, and it can be difficult to find people to actually talk to.


I go to Harvard Extension School which is segregated from Harvard socially which I wish I took into account because social aspects of school is very important to me.


not enough kids smoke pot...most are fearful and intolerant of it


That students who take their classes solely on campus tend to snub distance option students as inferior. I also dislike that distance students can't live in dorms for a semester if they wish to take their classes in person. Otherwise, I have no complaints.


the weather in Cambridge and the stress of trying to do everything, and be a superstar