Harvard University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Harvard University?

Is Harvard University a good school?

What is Harvard University known for?


I LOVE Harvard. The quality of classes, professors, and students makes the experience a remarkable one. Students are generally very nice and interesting. I love the location and "feeling" of the campus, as well as the dorms.


If I could change one thing about Harvard I would offer a series of "life courses" that help individuals with personal finances, and understanding what it means to invest and be a responsible adult in today's society.


The opportunities to do what ever it is that excites you are amazing; its a diverse and passionate place as far as interests go. There is also always something going that is fun or interesting. Saying you go to Harvard whether you like it or not tends to get a strong response for people; most of the time it is good. You will learn a lot here both inside and outside the classroom here at Harvard as you peers are unique and high achieving individuals.


The best thing about Harvard is my peers. They are kind, thoughtful, driven and have the potential to make the world a better place. I spend most of my time at the campus homeless shelter and in Hillel. Harvard's administration doesn't care much about the undergrads, unfortunately. They just missed a big opportunity to improve student in appointing a new Dean of the College.


social life


Your experience really depends on you.


One thing I would change is teaching policy. I feel many (certainly not ALL) tenured professors do not have the incentive to teach the students well. I understand that their research is important but undergraduate education deserves some attention too. One of the most frequent student complaints is lack of available food at brain break. Leftover bagels and cereals make you sick after a while.


Best thing about Harvard: prestigious, resourceful. One change: make professors more available. Most time on campus: Eliot dining hall working on psets.


The residential community is the best thing about Harvard. It feels like a big family.


Harvard is a great school in a huge college town, Boston. It's reputedly one of the best schools in the country