Make sure to get a good group of friends at the beginning. They will be your support network and your lifeline. Make sure that they truly care about your well-being. Don't do *anything* sexual. You'll regret it for the rest of your life. Be open to ideas and be humble. You won't always be right, but at the same time, be willing to stick to your convictions. Love your friends back, by helping them do what's right and by protecting them from themselves. Ask them to do the same for you.
Don't worry too much about which school you're going to get into. Make the most of your experience. Make sure your school has the extracurricular activities and programs you want.
I would encourage students to spend a great deal of time researching colleges before and during the application process. Students should make lists of their priorities in a college; for example, while dining hall quality might be seen as trivial to some, it might be important to others! If you like to research from actual books, the quality of the library system and its ease of use will be crucial. Also, don't underestimate the importance of a strong, caring network of peer and faculty advisors, as college is confusing and advisors can help you make decisions.
Once at college, be sure to take advantage of unique opportunities your school or surroundings offer! If you go to college in Boston, check out the North End's Italian restaurants, rather than ordering in Domino's, for example. Also, on a related note, don't feel pressured to spend, spend, spend. Set a "fun budget." Maybe go out to eat weekly, and save up for that. Check out the flyers around campus to help you find fun, cheap things to do over the weekend. Going to concerts, plays, etc. can be a great way to find culture and friends!
One very important thing to remember is that there is no one college that is right for everyone. Every student beginning on this journey is going to follow a different path, and that's ok. Some students will know exactly what they want to do with their lives, and will be able to decide accordingly by choosing a school that is particularly strong in that subject. Other students won't be so sure, and would most likely do best at a school with many options. This allows the student to determine their interests and decide what path they want to follow. Even for students who believe they know exactly what they want to do, it's still a good idea to choose a school that will provide alternate options. Very few people know at 17 or 18 years old what the rest of their life holds.
Of course, there are other considerations. Take into account the surrounding area, the extracurricular activities offered, and certainly the atmosphere on campus. All your time isn't spent in the classroom, and the college experience consists of much more than an academic program. However, it all contributes to the educational experience.
When selecting a college, the number one priority should be to find a college that will provide the best college experience. While research, websites, and information packets can be useful, the most important tool for parents and students is to experience the different schools themselves. Parents and students should visit colleges, and students should explore both academic, extracurricular, and social opportunities available to them. Additionally, parents and students should seek current college students similar to the applying student and ask them about their experiences at the school. Asking the first people you come across is not enough - one must look deeper at varying individuals' first hand experiences at the school. Once a parent and a student select a school, they should do everything they can to find out about all available opportunities and resources that are available to them.
Talk to a college admissions officer about your interests, and make sure the admissions officer knows what they're talking about and is competent.
be prepared to shell out hella cash!!!
Finding the right college is synonomous with finding the right people. People- your classmates- make the college experience. When you visit schools, of course talk to students, but also get their email addresses. Ask them to get you in contact with students involved in the kind of activities and majors you are interested in. Get in touch with multiple people from each college and ask yourself, "Are these the kind of people I want to go to school with?" You will be surrounded by them for four or more years. You want to be excited at the prospect of rooming with, having meals with, and running into them in the hallways.
Once you're at college, branch out right away. It's great to have your freshman year roomate to eat those first few meals with, but continue meeting people well into freshman year, so you maximize your chances of finding people you will really bond with. Stay open that first year- and stray away from dating right away too- it almost guarantees you won't meet new people. Last thought: be proactive- don't wait until senior year to try something you've always wanted to. Do it NOW!
I think the most important question to consider is "What will this college do for you?" Will it guarantee you your dream job? Help you meet your future spouse or the best friends of your life? Will it give you time to figure out who you are and delve deeply into a subject of personal interest? Will it teach you a useful skill that you can quickly apply to a career you want? A lot of students jump into elite 4 year schools, when perhaps they would rather have been accountants or dental hygienists. Think about your own priorities and what will make you happy. There is no one fit answer for everybody. Some students go to Harvard, hate it, have no idea what they want to do afterwards, and end up working at the University in admissions or the library while paying off 200K in loans. But if you make the wrong choice, don't despair. Students transfer all the time- a few of my friends transferred and they fit in fine and are very satisfied with their decisions. It's never too late to be happy!
In my opinion, the most important piece of advice for both parents and students during the stressful college search is this: colleges are more alike than different. I go to any Ivy League college, but I can tell you that I have met people of equal intelligence and achievement that go to state or city colleges. The lesson that I have learned from these discoveries is that you get out of college what you put in. In other words, you may go to to Harvard or Yale, but if you don't take your studies seriously and you depend on the school's reputation rather than your own merit, your success will be limited at best. However, no matter what school you go to, if you put your all into your studies, you are bound to make the most of your college career, for all schools provide the essential building blocks that one needs to succeed (e.g. , qualified professors, a centered learning environment): some just have more money and resources. The key, though, is to realize that none of the trappings matter. What matters is the fact that you can obtain a great education anywhere, through your own efforts.