Haverford College Top Questions

Describe the students at Haverford College.


1) most kids aren't involved with these groups, but those who are find them redeeming on the whole. 2) one looking for an exceptionally dialogue-heavy student body 3) regular clothes, sometimes pajamas 4) sometimes. it depends on kids' temperaments, and a lot of kids here are on the anti-social side or don't mix social groups 5) people sit with their friends at each. plain and simple 6) across the country, but especially the east coast and mid-atlantic 7) upper-middle class 8) some are, but not all 9) left-center 10) sometimes


Haverford is a wealthy school. There are many students who are extremely wealthy with the upper middle class students taking up the middle. I think this makes middle class students feel much poorer than they actually are. I imagine that the campus can be very isolating to a lower income student, but really it is who you put around yourself and how sensitive you are to those kind of things. Haverford has a lot of white, Asian, and Jewish people and I think that people outside these groups often feel ignored. But really, Haverford does have a lot of minority representation as compared to other small liberal arts schools. I do not think that students are as cognoscente about this though and would rather just complain. I think the number one Haverford problem is that, across the board, Haverford students complain too much about everything. I am not sure if we are a jaded student body or if people feel slighted, but Haverford students are constantly complaining about something. A vast majority of Haverford students are liberal. The conservatives on campus are a small minority and I can imagine it is a frustrating environment for them since Haverford liberals tend to be close minded to their views. Haverford students are mostly modest and do not like to show off or make themselves looks good. You will typically see students wearing sweatpants to class and pajamas to breakfast. It is a laid back, open-minded campus