Haverford College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Haverford College accurate?


In general, yes. I still have not figured out why. It might just unfortunately be the students themselves, but it is definitely also partially the size of the school. It is smaller than many high schools, and seeing people that you don't care about very much (or that you actually would rather avoid) 5 or more times a day, at least at Haverford, becomes pretty awkward.


Yes...we are geeky, but in a good way (I think). There is no paucity of cheesy/dorky jokes, but I think it adds to the school.


For the most part, it's true


There are alot of socially awkward people but a large enough group of fun outgoing people and very few people who are snobby about their intelligence.


I do happen to know two short hairy guys named Dan. Not everybody is awkward, but there are a few. Underclassmen are much more idealistic than the upperclassmen. People are amazingly honest. It seems like everybody has done or is doing something amazing, from filming a documentary to being an EMT crew chief.


Most students at Haverford understnad that you need a healthy balance of academics and social life to succeed. You can find people that are hermits at any college. The statement about the guys is unfair, yet again there are short guys everywhere. Haverford just has less male students of intimigating stature (we don't have a football team)


There are some people that fit hte Phantom 500 stereotype. I think recent classes have overall been more attractive and less socially awkward.


nerdy: yes; awkward: yes but hyped; really young looking: YES!; the breakdown of guys and women at times true but way too simplistic and the track team is crazy and very good at what they do but they are not at all disconnected from the school


Completely false. While some of the kids are different, it is a fun place to go to college. The parties are fun and playing a sport really helps.


The first three are largely true, although of course there are a fair number of jocks and others who wouldn't be classified as nerdy and are very socially capable. The fourth stereotype I listed is not true. I love the social life here - there is something happening every weekend and it feels like a real community affair since we are such a small school. If you are looking to party, you won't be disappointed most weekends.