Hawaii Pacific University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hawaii Pacific University know before they start?


Determine what is most important to the student: a new environment, nearness of family, career choice, etc. Pray and trust that God will provide all your needs as you (parents and students) open yourselves up to a new chapter in your lives. Things have worked out amazingly for me and I know that God is the reason. Don't be afarid to step outside of your shell, it's totally worth it! I'm extremely greatful and blessed!


I think that it's most important to go to the college walk aroudn the campus and see what they have to offer for you... DON'T BE AFRAID TO GO FAR AWAY


For students, I would advise them to look at the size of the school and the activities or clubs that are provided. By looking into this information it will help you meet close friends and enjoy yourtime at school. Parents should look closely at the Financial Aid to make sure that your son/ daughter is eligable before apply, otherwise you might be stuck paying a lot of money. One major thing to keep in mind is to not go to a certain school because your friends are, most of the time people move on and find new friends.


If you are planning on attending a 4 year college I suggest to find a college that best fits you and one that you know you will be focused and most concentrated at because at the end, your choices and what your outlook on college is will mosty definitely benefit you in the end and everything you went through in college will be well worth it.


Visit the campuses.


The most obvious things to consider are Major, Location, Housing and Costs--however, there is much more to consider . Has the student ever been away from home for a significant amount of time? If so, how did the student do? Location is a huge factor, most students do best about an hour or two from home. A safe enough distance to provide freedom without excluding students from their safety net. Next comes finances: will the student live on or off campus, how is food provided (school cafeteria or out of pocket), how will the student get around (personal or public transportation), and what is the cost of living in prospective state? Personal experience lends me to suggest that students need to think seriously about comfort zones (roommates, distance, social scene) and plan accordingly. Arrange your class schedule early to plan time for jobs, papers, and the much needed social time. Above all, make sure that the student provides an "out" for his/herself . Overworking and high-stress situations occur most frequently during the first year, students should try to schedule a day or two off per week for themselves in order to accomplish maximum goals.


In order to choose the right college for the student, they must know what they are interested and how they would like their surroundings to be. If one is a student athlete they should consider the college's sports program in their specific sport. Also the most important is what field they are interested in going into. If money is a consideration then one would also have to see the price range for the college one thinks they are interested in. Once the student knows what they want to do and what they like it is easier to find your college.


To parents of students entering into college, make sure your child chooses the school that they want to go to and not where you want them to orelse they will simply go through college regretting the choice that they made. There are a million schools to choose from with the same opportunities from each school, so it is your child's choice to take the opportunity. After all, your child will be the one stuck in the school most likely for four years. Also, don't force your child into a career, they will choose one that they enjoy doing. To students entering into college, only you are resposible for making the most out of your college experience. Take a visit to the colleges you plan to apply to and try to picture yourself into that environment. Only you are responsible for your choice of college, not your parents. If your parents choose, then you probably won't enjoy it as much as you'd like to. You will make friends as you go along, so don't exclude yourself. Enjoy yourself and make the most of college. Study hard, have fun and you'll do fine.


Go to the best college in the country for the major you intend on completing.


Some advice i would give to students atending college is remember that your college experience is what you make it. Time management is key, there is always time to do everything that you want if you spend your time wiesly. Priorities, remember that school is first, class is important and always make time for fun too. Save your money and spend what you have wisely. Be grateful of your parents, they just want whats best. You dont have to know what your doing with your life right when you get to college, its all about finding what you want. For parents sending there kids to college. Remember that you were once their age, they will learn and please push and support your kids in what it is that they want, they will thank you in the long run.