Henderson State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Henderson State University know before they start?


When I first walked onto the Henderson campus, I knew it was the right school for me! My advice for parents and students is this: visit every campus that you are considering! That is the key to knowing if the school is right for you. You may have heard that a certain campus is great, but you never know until you visit it! While some may think its great, it may not be for you! When you take a school lead tour, you get actual students telling you how things are on campus, sometimes you even can go sit in on a class to see how the professors are and how they interact with the students. Another piece of advice, don't choose a college because you have a friend going there! You may not be friends the entire college experience, go to that college because YOU want to go to it! When you get to college, you start making your own choices, so start with choosing the best one for you!


In my search for the right University I based most of what I wanted on the Women's basketball programs since I am a college athlete. Looking back on my decision making progress I wish I would have takent the time to look more at the academics as well as the college life. I was so focused on the sports aspect that I missed out on the oppurtunities to look for clubs and organizations that interested me and will further my hopes of entering into Medical school. Although I am satisfied with my decision becuase of my basketball program, I think it is important to really evaluate how bad you want to play a college sport. You must be ready for very long days of school, practice, and hours of homework everyday. With the addition of games while you are in season and tons of other meetings and responsibilities that come along with the sport. Remember that the reason for attending college is to further your education and playing a sport is just a benefit. Make sure that the school you decid upon will be a comfortable place where you can be yourself and mature into an educated healthy adult.


Visit the college, attend a class, talk to students and professors. View the dorms, and the class buildings, and then take a walk without a campus escort. Walk where you see other students walk, whether on the grass or on the concrete, listen to them as they talk, watch them as they act. You'll see, in places the escort may not have taken you, how the students really act, and how much they actually like their professors. If you see people smoking and drinking in the corners, it mght not be a good place. If you see these same corners filled with people laughing and talking, with books or with a frisbee or football, it's probably a better place to go.


The advice that I would give to parents and students is to make sure that is the college the child or children want to attend. It is best to find a college that the child wants to go to because the child will make the best out of their college experience and put their best into to their education because it is a college they want to attend.


Do a good bit of research and asking around. You can never take enough campus tours. Encourage your kids to go greek!


When considering a college, one should apply to several different ones very early in order to have enough time to make decisions about a particular college. Family and friends usually have fairly sound advice about colleges but the final decision is up to the person who will or will not be attending that college. One should research the colleges that he or she is interested in becaucse that will help to make a better informed decision about that school. Once one arrives at the school of his or her choice, it may not be easy to make friends at first, but the best way to meet people is to try to get involved with campus activities. It is easier to find people with similar interests when you're involved in a sport or a club. Attending campus functions is another way to meet people and interact with others. There are parties thrown by fraternities and sororities but in order to not get in trouble with the law or the school is to know your own limits and not let people take advantage. College is a really great experience that teaches one about the world and his or herself.


The best advice that I could give a parent and/or student is to make sure that they are ready to commit in continuing their education. When the student is focused and ready to continue their education, than they will know what they are looking for and will be ready to choose a college that will benefit them in their future.


To the parents, letting your child go is not fun and by fare the one of the hardest things you will have to do. Finding the right college helps easy the pain a little bit. You also have to let the college be of your childs choice and not make that important decison for them because of financial issues. As a parent you need to be supportive of your child and know that its a hard transition from high school to collge. To the students, stay focused. College is a lot harder than it seems. Dont come to college expecting a teacher to give you a grade you didnt work or show up for. Handle what needs to be handled and make it through. There are so many students who come to school and think its a joke and flunck out in thier first semester. College is not for everyone. If college is not something that you want to do then talk to your parents. Make the right decision about you futrue. Good Luck to you both.


My advice would to be touring alot of different campuses and see which one he or she feels at home the most at. Dont base you decisions off of a relationship or friendship. Do whats best for you, because remember your the one thats going to be at that school for 4-maybe even 5 years. so make sure your decision is based on excatly where you want to be!


Go and visit the campus first, and stay a couple of days. You have to feel comfortable not only in the classroom, but on the quad/commons, and around town also.