Hendrix College Top Questions

Describe the students at Hendrix College.


The classmates are usually very self expressive and non mainstream. They usually very open minded and friendly. Students are typically liberal minded, which might be a problem if the potential student is more traditional or conservative. Although an important aspect of social life and academics is the free exchange of ideas and very few students will put pressure on individuals to conform. Students are academically advanced and usually predisposed to discussion. An important and immediately obvious integral part of social life is the unique individual expression of students at Hendrix.


Hendrix truly educates "the whole person." If you'll make the effort to allow Hendrix into your life, Hendrix will allow you to change and grow in ways you never dreamed possible. There is religious, political, racial, and sexual diversity and this diversity can only contribute to the importance of the discussions you have with your professors, your friends, and the distinction of the standards unto which you hold yourself. These all contribute to educating a "whole person." There is an accountability that comes with becoming a "whole person" at Hendrix. As a student, you have to stimulate yourself in all aspects of your life at Hendrix. It is this challenging that prepares you for your four years at Hendrix and your life beyond. If you don't, essentially you are wasting your time and the efforts of your professors and mentors. While the dress at Hendrix is casual, the relationships you develop are not. Some of the people with whom I have kept in the best touch after my graduation are staff members: administration, coaches, admissions counselors. These people are so important, because they were once college students too. In fact, many of them are Hendrix alums. This network, one that you will comprise after you graduate, is one of the most important connections you will have in life... and it is one you forge on the first day of orientation.


Hendrix is a pretty small school, with 1200 or 1300 students. The student body is mostly white, though of course other races are represented. There are a fairly large number of international students as well. Hendrix students are generally laid-back and hard-working. There are a million clubs and student organizations, so almost everyone is involved in a club or an extracurricular. I have never seen evidence of discrimination against people of a different race, sexuality, religion, etc.; in fact, Hendrix students are likely to be really interested in learning about lifestyles different than their own. Hendrix students are more liberal than conservative. About 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is from out of state and 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} are in-state.


Hendrix students go beyond the tolerance that comes from the liberal nature of college campuses to a genuine celebration and appreciation of diversity. No one pushes anything on you, whether it be politics, lifestyle, religion etc... What exists is a place where you can be exposed to myriad new experiences and be completely free to choose what suits you. Politically, Hendrix students run the gamut from conservatives to socialists, with a liberal orientation making up the majority. Students volunteer in both Republican and Democratic campaigns, and what emerges is a friendly rivalry based on intelligent discourse. Religiously, Students range from devout adherents to a religion to atheists. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all present on campus, along with many other less known sects such as the Bahai faith. Nondenominational services are held frequently, Catholic communion is offered weekly, and many other services occur periodically. Hendrix students come from many different economic backgrounds, from impoverished to privileged. The generous financial aid programs ensure this diversity. Traditionally, a large part of the Hendrix body came from within Arkansas, but as Hendrix's reputation continues to improve, that trend is shifting. Currently, there are students from all over the country. Additionally, Hendrix's participation in exchange programs has brought in students from all over the world. Hendrix's multicultural programs ensure both domestic and international students interact and exchange ideas. Hendrix is predominantly white, although a vibrant culture of black students organizes programming celebrating their culture. Also, Hendrix's admissions department is firmly dedicated to exhibiting the most possible diversity within the student body, so diversity increases every year. Socially, Hendrix students tend to be Liberal. The only thing that is not tolerated at Hendrix is intolerance. Anyone who harbors prejudice, whether it be on the basis of sexuality, race, religion, or some other criteria, would not be welcomed or excel at Hendrix.


My classmates are fun-loving, hard workers.


My classmates are enganged in learning and are willing to help other by forming study groups and answering questions.


Students here are very focused and work hard when they have to then find time to realx and have a good time.


The diversity on the Hendrix Campus is more unique tha anything I have ever been around. We only have 1400 students. There are more people from out of state than in state. Every religion and faith background is accepted, every sexual orientation. Every one here works hard and is smart. Even athletes are working hard to succeed in school. It takes just a few weeks on campus to get to know people and to recognize faces.


My classmates are quite an eccentric bunch.


They are all hard-working, ambitious students. There's never been a question as to whether or not a certain person should be there because of their academics; they're all intelligent and well-rounded.