There are a lot of student organizations, some that are more organized and active than others, to say the least, so if you want to get involved, the opportunity is there. Like I said before, most of the social life is on campus (because Conway is a super boring town), so there's a ton of traditions as well, Shirttails and Miss Hendrix probably being the biggest among them. Outside of partying, there's also a fair amount of speakers and films and discussions that happen on campus as well that are events of sorts.
If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday I am either wishing I'm asleep but can't because I've GOT to finish more homework before I call it quits, or am stubbornly refusing to end a fantastic discussion about something that could easily be discussed at a normal hour. A lot of people are involved with sports, either for the school or in intramurals, but there are plenty of non-athletes. Environmental awareness is big (we've got a fairly large hipster population, especially for central Arkansas), but mostly people just kinda do their own thing. Parties are mostly in the Hendrix-owned apartments that border campus (We don't have Greek life so parties don't ever turn into those raucous keg parties that movies love to show). Work hard, play hard. And if your version of "play" involves alcohol, just don't be an idiot about it.
There are over 70 clubs and organizations on campus. You have an interest in it, you will find a group for it. Students are usually involved in at least one extracurricular activity, if not more--we were those overachievers in high school. There is a little bit of everything for everyone on campus. Social life is alive and well. We work hard and many play hard. We have no Greek life and are proud of it. Most people stay on campus on weekends. We thrive in our Hendrix bubble, but will ever so often venture out to Conway or the "city" of Little Rock about 30 minutes away. You can always find something to do on campus no matter what day of the week it is. The people here are amazing and even if you are just hanging out watching an episode of the Office you are bound to have a great time.
If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday I am either wishing I were asleep but knowing I can't because I've GOT to finish more homework before I call it quits, or am having a fantastic discussion with someone about something that could easily be discussed at a normal hour, but am refusing to do so because I'm a stupid college kid. A lot of people are involved with sports, either for the school or in intramurals, but there are plenty of non-athletes. Environmental awareness is big (we've got a fair-sized hipster population), but mostly people just kinda do their own thing. Parties are mostly in the Hendrix-owned apartments that border campus (We don't have Greek life so parties don't ever turn into those raucous keg parties that movies love to show). Work hard, play hard. And if your version of "play" involves alcohol, just don't be an idiot about it.
Hendrix has a great way of molding the entire student body. There is no separation between student groups on campus. Being a part of Campus Kitty committee my senior year (an organization that raises thousands of dollars every year for local charities) made me realize the generosity of Hendrix student groups and the students that comprise their membership.
Further, I think Hendrix is not hindered by not being involved in Greek life. I am currently attending a southern university for my master's where undergraduate involvement in Greek life is over 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. If you are not in a sorority or fraternity, you have no real way of making friends because classes can have upwards of 500+ students. I think that prospect is terrifying! I am so grateful for the friends I made through volleyball, student activities, and my classes because they were always there for me. I did not have to go through initiation to meet them and did not have to compete against them for a spot in some exclusive sisterhood.
Hendrix has a ton of activities (partly because Conway has so little to offer). There are always plays, foreign films, guest lecturers, etc. - in fact there is more to do than anyone would have time for. Most freshman and sophomores live in dorms, which is like a little family inside the big Hendrix family. I have never locked my door and it's never been a problem. Most upperclassmen live in apartments which are within walking distance of campus. People at Hendrix almost always party at Hendrix on weekends - drinking is a big part of Hendrix social life but it is certainly not mandatory and no one will pressure you into doing it. If you don't drink, there are lots of alternate social events. Very few people go home frequently, even if they live in nearby towns. There is no Greek system; all Hendrix students party and socialize together.
Social life at Hendrix straddles between the desire to have a good time and the commitment to academics required to excel here. Most importantly, students tend to study, relax, and party together. There exists a vibrant array of student clubs and organizations that give students plenty to do. Hendrix clubs range from those based on sports, academics, politics, cultural diversity, charity, common interests, and many other subjects. There is something for everyone. If you don't find a club you are interested in, it is quite easy to acquire funding to start your own. These clubs sponsor performers, speakers, service events, programs, and parties. There is always something to do.
When you don't have downtime, and need to focus on academics, the library is a great place to go. Study groups are as common as individuals, and there are facilities for both. Support from fellow students make the rigorous academics at Hendrix much more pleasant. If you need to study, and you will from tme to time, you won't be distracted, and you'll have company if you want it. This being said, one can find a group of students partying nearly any night of the week. Hendrix's location in a dry county a half hour from the nearest metropolis (Little Rock) has made parties at Hendrix unique from those college bashes depicted in popular culture. This paired with the fact that there is no Greek system at Hendrix contribute to the distinctive qualities of Hendrix parties. Generally, parties are held within dorms, apartments or houses near campus. Parties tend to be very open and welcoming, allowing anyone to take part. Many parties tend to be small by college standards, but the atmosphere is every bit as festive as that in larger college parties elsewhere. Large campus wide parties are held several times a semester. Ghost Roast, Soco 54, Toga, and quite a few other large parties draw students from all over Arkansas to Hendrix. Martin Hall, one of the male dorms, tends to be the epicenter of parties on campus, although many great parties are held elsewhere.
The Hendrix administration has a reasonable policy on Alcohol, which maintains that students are allowed to carry opaque cups free from scrutiny, but not open containers. This being said, in the interest of safety and community, anyone who does something stupid or illegal in view of a college official, is likely to be reasonably punished.
So I know what you are thinking...Conway AR? What is there to do in Conway AR? Honestly? The answer is not a whole lot. But the good thing is that Hendrix recognizes this and therefore puts an enormous amount of effort into bringing the activites and social life to campus. For example, we have new musicians every Wednesday night; lectures, discussion groups, and presentations literally every day of the week. Each weekend is packed full of options for Friday and Saturday night activities. Volunteering is a big deal on campus as well and there are constant updates on opportunities to help out around the Conway community. Our Social Committee is the key player that takes charge of our major social events such as our big Halloween party "Ghost Roast" and the best 70s dance party known to mankind, "SoCo54"! If you are into the environment (which everyone at Hendrix is so prepare yourself!) the ECC (environmental concerns committee) is huge on campus! As for the dating scene, don't get your hopes up. We are a small liberal arts college so options aren't tremendous, but there are some pretty cool cats around if you keep your eyes open. Otherwise, you better off searching for your soulmate at off campus! Other than dating, social life on campus is crazy active so be prepared and don't get overloaded