Hendrix College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Hendrix College?


We have the most updated equipment for students to use.


The amazing professors!!!


The people, the campus life, and the Ultimate frisbee team. I'm a member of the team, which also is the focus of a huge social network that is really an amazing part of hendrix; the social aspect is. It is a great community conducive to study, fun, friends, and being your own person.


Hendrix is the perfect school for those who want the most out of life. Hendrix has taught me lessons both in and out of the classroom and I am not just a better student for being a Hendrix student, but also a more responsible member of my community. Hendrix pushes its students to strive for the most out of life and thus, produces ambitious, motivated and responsible students. There is the perfect balance of academics and socializing at Hendrix-- we work hard, but we also play hard.


The awesome atmosphere. People are friendly and there are MANY opportunites to follow your interests.


The knowledge of the professors and their desire to push students to perform to the best of their abilities. The campus is well maintained and is beautiful to wander and explore at any time of the year. The facilities have been carefully planned and are of top quality material and construction, giving the school a pleasing aesthetic. There are also a plentiful number of social opportunities allowing students to meet and enjoy each others' company.


How I was able to successfully manage 4 years on the swim team, maintain a competitive GPA, actively participte in social clubs, and maintain amazing relationships with my friends.


The faculty and staff are so personable and approachable that there is a great deal of potential for success, and the realization of one's goals and aspirations is always in reach - never behind closed doors.


The opportunities to travel abroad, and the frequent and unique themed parties.


How friendly and open the campus is. It's such a cool and laid back place, but at the same time people understand how to get their work done! The balance between work and play is great!