Hendrix College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Hendrix College? Why?


The intellectual burden and workload throws students into depression and feelings of inadequacy. Though students want a light-hearted respite after a week of high stress, the only main events on the weekends are centered around on or off campus parties, which often include beer pong but rarely include Scrabble. Stressed students turn to alcohol to relieve stress, but it seems that many become alcholics by senior year.


I do not like food. I'm an African, the food taste very different, I wish I could have food like from home sometime.


The worst thing about my school is that the school often times seems to not listen to the students and makes decisions that often cause arguements throughout the school.


There isn't really anything bad about my school. I absolutely love it! The only problem is that sometimes it is hard to get you first choice in housing as an underclassman, but it's like that everywhere. All the housing is good, and Hendrix is willing to work to get you where you need to be.


The Library is not open 24 hours a day. The also increased enrollment before they completed enough living space, should be solved by 2009.


The administration continues to raise tuition and make changes to the school that are better for their fiscal concerns than they are for those of the students.


The fact that there is a complete disconnect in atmosphere/aspirations/goals/likes/dislikes between the staff & trustees who run the school and the students & faculty who live/work here. The administration could give two-shits about the environment (unless it got them good press). All the administration wants is a football loving, wealthy, conservative student body and instead they've got the bicycling, wealthy (but ashamed of it), liberal, hippy love children who want to free Tibet.


They're introducing football as a sport in the near future.