Hendrix College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hendrix College know before they start?


I am very satisfied with the decisions I have made and where I am in life at this time. My advice would be to trust my instincts, which I do, and study hard , which I do.


Before you head off to college, spend a little more time figuring out your comfort levels. Decide now if you are going to focus only on classes or get involved in student organizations, and actually go to the student organization fair when you have the chance! Think about possible majors but have a diverse freshman class schedule - take classes that fulfill requirements but also consider different disciplines. Connect with other students coming from your area before going to orientation so you know who you can hitch rides with back home or catch up with when you're home on winter and summer breaks. Throughout all four years, embrace the opportunities that come your way, even if you are nervous or it is so far out of your regular activities or routine. It's worth it! Academically and socially, things will crop up...go for it. Tackle topics in classes you aren't comfortable with - you will grow and learn so much more. Finally, take advantage of your professors and advisors. They are there to help and they want to talk. Learn their office hours and make sure they know your face!


I would tell myself about my own affinity towards the engineering type of work and help myself get on track to obtaining that degree faster.


Stay the course with your studies and learn everything you can. Learning proper study skills will go a long way. It is going to be hard in college but if you listen and learn from your teachers it will benefit you, even if you don't agree with them all the time. They were in college at one time too and they had to experience many of the same things you will in college. Learn from their experiences.


Think about life and evaluate your beliefs. Make sure you are the one defining your identity and not others. Have courage to be who you are and try new things. Have fun, but be responsible with the blessings you have recieved. Make a couple of best friends. Get involved in both your campus and your community. Don't stress so much, and enjoy life.


Before starting this new adventure you need to heed my advice. Firstly, find and apply to all the scholarships that are available to you. You don’t want to put a lot of financial burden on your parents. While you are looking, do not procrastinate. The teachers will give tremendous amounts of work and those scholarship deadlines will catch you by surprise if you are not prepared. After getting into college, continue the path of not procrastinating. These professors are tough and most of them will not be lenient. You’re grades depend on the amount of time you put writing and rewriting papers and how much time you spend studying. Meaning, skimming three chapters the night before your Chemistry test in the morning equals a failing grade. Lastly, be open to meeting your peers in your freshmen class. This school will be a different environment for you, but it is the same for your peers. A part of college is about the effort put into your classes, but the other side of that coin is about the relationships and bonds that are formed during your fours years there with people who will challenge you into being a better person.


Genevieve, you are about to make a big change with your life. Although you may feel like you are an adult and completely put together, know that you are inevitably going to change. In order to make that change easier, be open to it. Allow yourself to grow and try new things. Happiness comes with flexibility and an eagerness to learn. You are going to make friends unlike any you have had before and they will not know what to expect from you. You are at a time when you can make whatever impression you'd like on whomever you want. Professors don't know what standards or ethics you uphold and new friends don't know how much fun you are. Be who you've always wanted to be and who you feel best as. Friends will come, good times will happen and knowledge will be acquired through confidence and faith that life will turn out well when you put your best effort forward. When the hard times come, know they will end and that there will always be people to support you. Good luck, and have a good time!


I think attending college is the most important decision I have made in my entire life. I have gained a knowledgeable experience, and I have also found out more about what I can achieve. Going to college is important not only to gain training for the outside world but also to promote myself to have a great career in the future. I started out in a community college, where I received my Associate in Arts in business administration. Then, I transferred to a university in order to further my education with my major, finance. Attending a university has several challenges, but starting off at a community college felt like a good decision because it gave me time to be certain about what I wanted to do with my life. In my college experience, I expect to gain a good GPA, my Bachelors degree within four years, and an enjoyable social life. So far, it has been a valuable choice to attend college because I know I am achieving something that makes me feel better about where I am going in my life. I do not regret anything and it has made me a stronger person, which I am thankful for.


I often complain that other students at Hendrix lack passion, drive, motivation, intellect, and maturity. While this may be true, it is not necessarily bad, for I am forced to work with these individuals. It's been valubale for me to learn that not everyone in the world is exactly like me, and that I better be able to get along with those who are not similar to me. That's life. I've come into contact with individuals with whom I would never have interacted otherwise. My best friend wants to be a Southern Baptist minister. I went back to his house for Thanksgiving and was shocked when his Mother was reffered to as "woman." I was forced to understand that although I may come from a completely different background, people with sexist attitudes and such still exist, and that their opinions are no less valuable than mine.


The educational standard is much higher than high school in college and thus has given me more impowerment to do well on my studies. This has carried over to other accpects of my life, changing me as a person into a well-rounded head-strong individual that knows how to work for the things that I dream to accomplish. It has been more than valuable to attend Hendrix College as it has not only changed me as a person but has given me more career opportunities than I could ever have expected from a College or University. The help to get me on the right track onto Culinary College and beyond has been outstanding. I doubt I would be so far and so sure about my future steps after Hendrix College had the college itself helped me realize my potential and given me opportunities to fullfill my potential.