High Point University Top Questions

What should every freshman at High Point University know before they start?


Go to a campus you're considering. Spend time there - make use of their "day in the life" programs. Meet people and ask questions. The most important question you'll want to ask yourself is, "can I see myself living here day to day?" If you can't, keep looking. If you can, then you've probably found the school for you!


Parents should be open to how students weigh the importance of their choices for an undergraduate institution, as it will be the institution that will hopefully ready them for a career or entrance into an institution of higher education. Students should be open minded to social and extra-curricular activities and the connections that can be made while at college, because the relationships one forms in college can be the ones that last a lifetime.


Don't rush into anything. I raced through college, trying to get an education and get out, and once it is gone you really do wish it wouldn't have flown by so fast. Make sure you know what you want to do before you declare a major that you know you will love, and go to a school that is good for whatever degree you want. If you're undecided, take a GAP year (I wish I would have), or go to a school that promotes some kind of introductory year where you can take general ed classes in a bunch of different fields that you may be interested in. Find somewhere you would want to get involved. Whether it be theatre, student government, volunteer work, fraternities and sororities, student activities team, whatever..just find something that you like doing because that is where you will find your closest friends. Work while you're in school if you're not doing extra-curriculars..do SOMETHING with your spare time besides hanging around campus in your friends' dorms. It will do you so much good to be busy rather than feeling like you're wasting time. Good luck!!


I think the right college is the one where you are able to receive an extraordinary education while having fun and enjoying your time to the fullest in a positie way. A college where you can make the most out of yourself . A college that means so much to you tha the first thing that comes to your mind after classes are over and everyone is going back to their home is "I can wait for classes to start again". The best way to make the most out of your college experience is to use the time you have wisely. Anything can be done in college, no matter how busy you may be with school work, if you know how manage your time well you will be able to accomplish everything you want. Taking care of your responsabilities and of your social life at the same time. Be aware that nothing extreme is good. Devote all the time needed for your studies, but also dedicate time to grow as a person and create relationships that will last a lifetime. College will determine your future life, make sure you make the best out it, so that you have a bright future.


i dont know


I would tell future co-eds that they should find the college that best "fits" them. The school that speaks to their heart and feels "right". They shouldn't base their decision on statistics or reputation, but rather, on personal criteria that reflects his or her values and their desires in life. Not all colleges are the same, just as not all students are the same. No one survey or brochure can make the decison of what college to attend. This is a place where one spends four or more years of their life learning, growing and becoming the person they wish to be. College is a place where life-long friends are met and where life begins as an adult. No one can make the decsion of where this transformationshould occur; only the future student can. An he or she will know, just as I did, the right college. They just have to quiet what others are saying, though it may be hard, and follow their heart. That is the only way to truly find happiness, and to make the most out of the college experience.


College is College. I believe that you get out of college what you put into it. So strive to find a place that makes you want to give it everything you've got. FInd a university that challenges you as a person to be the best you can inside and outside of the class room. When you do both of those things it is then that you are truly successful. College is more than getting an education it is about finding who you are and what you want out of life. High Point University has done that for me and for that I am so grateful.


You should definitely visit every campus that you are thinking about applying to. Also, always have a back up school that you can afford and get into. Make sure that you fit with the school and the people that you are going to have to interact with for four years!


Always chose the school for yourself, don't agree to go because your parents want you to. Make sure you find yourself comfortable and happy where you're going, that you'll be able to relate to people and do things that you enjoy at school. For instance High Point was my first choice, and even though it was 12 hours away from home my parents encouraged me to go out and grow and do what I know I need to do in order to succeed. You can never get these four years back. Make sure you can have tons of fun and get good grades, that's key for the next step in your life. You need to make sure you can have a balance of studying/learning and having fun with friends. Go somewhere that will push you and challenge you to make yourself a better you. Being far from school has taught me to deal with my problems on my own, such as finding a place to get my car fixed, a job, finding my way around. It's been an adventure; I feel like I have grownup so much and it's only been a year.


Well when I was looking for colleges I immedaitly knew i wanted to go to high point univerisity the moment i stepped foot on the campus. Make sure that you as a student are making the desicion for yourself and not for your friends or your boyfriend or your parents but for you. Your parents want you to be happy and to achieve as much as you possibly can. You should look into student groups as soon as you get onto the campus and research what you want to get involved with. Do not get stressed out and remember that everything happens for a reason.