Hiram College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hiram College know before they start?


I would tell myself not to keep myself so sheltered. THe biggest mistake I made was keeping to myself and not getting out and meeting new people my first year. I missed out on a lot of fun people and fun times because I spent all my time doing homework or waiting to talk to my boyfriend from home online. If I could do my first year all over again I waould go to more campus events and open up more to people in order to make more friends. This is exactly what I have done this year and Ive never had so much fun. I have met amazing people and I have fun along with staying focused on my school work. I have the best of both worlds.


Make a list of your college choices with "Pros" and "Cons", including location, tuition, consider the scholarship opportunities, discuss the money you or your parents will owe or pay and go on an overnite stay to get a feel for the atmosphere; don't follow your girl or your friends. College is about new experiences and adapting to a different environment than what you are used to. Watch my 3 minute video posted on Facebook on what to bring to college. Thank you for any consideration to provide me a scholarship. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=550019904148 Christopher Sabo Junior, Hiram College Hiram, Ohio


My advice to students and parents looking for the right college would be to actually go on campus visits, they are the best way of making sure the college has the right "fit". While you are on these visits, talk to some of the students, ask them for their honest opinion of their college. Also, find a helpfull staff member and ask them why they think their institution is a great place to learn. I would even suggest going on overnight visits to the campus, a campus can be one way on a visit day, but you see its true colors when you stay a couple of days. My final word of advice is to make sure that you feel comfortable when you first arrive on campus. Try to imagine yourself going to the school, sitting a classroom full of students, does it feel right? If it does, chances are, you are in the right place!


To find the right college, it would be in best interest to go with what feels comfortable. If a college that is part of the selection group does not feel right for you, or your child, then it most likely is not a place that will bring success. It is almost cliche to say that people go with what they know, but when it comes to spending a lot of your money and time to receive higher education, going with what you know would be best. Also keep in mind what features you want out of the college, and the college experience. Making the most of a college experience would include extracurricular activities that would be of interest to you but would also benefit you in the future. By choosing to do certain activities and extracurriculars you can really expand and broaden your life experience. These activities, extracurriculars, and campus events can really have an impact on the social network, and future career network, for your life in and after college. Becoming involved on campus is the most beneficial thing that any person will ever have the chance to do in life, and I would take advantage.


Ask students outside of those who work for the school.


Trust yourself first before trusting college advisors.


Make sure that a lot of research is done before chosing a school, especially if finances are a problem.


go for the academics and not the sports


Vist the campus. Talk with students, faculty, and staff. Go with your gu feeling, you'll know what college is right for you. Get involved!


The best advice I could give about making the right choice is to choose a school based on what's the right fit for you. I feel the biggest mistakes some of my friends have made is going to a school purely because it is where their boyfriend/girlfriend/parents. went to college. The choice you make now is going to affect you for the next four (or more) years, not your parents or your friends. If it is the wrong choice, it will make everything about the transition to college more difficult. In order to make the most of the experience, besides making sure you are somewhere that you feel comfortable, be certain that you do not shut yourself off from the other students. Make friends with the people on your dorm floor early. Don't go home the first few weekends, even you are homesick, because this is the time that bonds are made and you are able to really get to know people without the stress of a classroom. Be sure to focus on classwork, too. As tempting as it is to just have fun, education is the main reason for college and freshman year is crucial.