Hiwassee College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hiwassee College know before they start?


Ora et Labora ; Pray and work. Procrasitination is evil fight it courageously . Use your voice to state " I don't understand", "Please help". Students who study together ace tests more than students who go it alone.Flash cards are your friend.The library can be a safe haven from dorm noise find your cornor there.Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard .Bust your but slackers aren't cool you will become one of them before they become you. High GPA's Get U Positive Attention. There cannot be ball without books no one is that good athletically. Isolation is a battle cry to quit join something.College is not for the weak hearted determination,disapline,structure,and hard work add up to a degree.You are a young adult now make life happen for dreams and goals to be activated.You get three tests in most college classees.Your choice strike out or hit a grand slam.Uugh your parents were right about some things.Chilling is meant for after responsibilities are done.Chilling first never gets anything done.College is a blast just Ora et Labora it.