Holy Family University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for having a high graduation rate. And a high rate in nursing which is what i hope to become in my 4 years in this school. My school is also once again known for being a family. Everyone is noticed and considered. You have a chance to shine at Holy Family. Holy family is best known for their amazing Professors that are so focused on helping you succeed. You can go at anytime to ask for help and anyone at that school is willing to help you!


The success rate of the graduates entering their field.


Nursing and Education


I chose Holy Family because I want to be a nurse and in the Philadelphia area it is known to be one of the best schools. As I stated before there is an excellent state of the art facility and they offer a diverse clinical curriculum.


Stellor nursing, education, and liberal arts programs with very high certification pass rates. Very friendly and pleasant campus life.


My school is best known for its Nursing program, which I am currently in. Whenever I tell someone that I am a Nursing major at Holy Family University, the response I recieve is, "They have a great program there for your major." I have recently realized that this is correct. Although the next 3 years to come will be challenging, I know that I will become a fantastic nurse thanks to the incredible professors and teachers in the undergraduate program for the School of Nursing.


Holy Family is best known for its Education program and it's Nursing program. The Education programs are well branched out. They have pre-K- 4th grade and /or special education. Secondary education, and many others. From what I have observed , the nursing major takes a lot of dedication and perseverance to get through. The university is also well known for their small classroom sizes, a friendly staff and teachers who want the best for their students.


My school is best known for our nursing major.


the nursing and the education programs


It is best known for the large attendance and the small school parking lot.