Holyoke Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Holyoke Community College know before they start?


I would have to say that college is the best experience I have went through yet in life, although I have made some bad decisions while in college. The decisions I made were not the best and hurt me in the long run, the attitude I had when I entered college, was that it was much easier than high school, and I could attend class when I wanted. Well, I was all wrong, and learnt the hard way. I had to pick up the pieces and work twice as hard in order to pick up my GPA, grades, and my great reputation that I once had. You have to work hard in order to make it through college and follow what major you want. Do not be scared to change majors, if you do not feel the current one is right, then move onto something you like more.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to not be so focused on people trying to bring you down or thinking you will never go anywhere. I would tell myself to focus on school and study a lot because there will be a lot of that in college. I would say to always believe in yourself no matter what anyone tells you. If you have a dream then you need to make it happen no matter what. If there is something you are passionate about, work hard, go through with it and you'll be very happy with the outcome. Never hold back because people are trying to bring you down. You need to rise above that and trust your insticts because you know yourself better than anyone else. You need to strive for success. Never live your life for someone else, live it for yourself. Do what it is you want to do and what you want out of life, not what someone else wants you to do. In May I will recieve my Associates in Visual Art. I proved everyone wrong who never believed in me.


If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior I would tell myself to always take as many challenging courses as possible, to contunuesly work hard because it is always worth it in the end. I would also tell myself to do certain things for myself becuase you can not please everyone, and that it is important to do the things that make you happy. I would just tell myself that there is always a reason why your teacher is telling you something that you think is not important at the time. The most important thing you can do is to always work hard and to do things to the best of your ability.


Aaron. In 8 years you're going to wish that you had known this. It would make things a lot easier in the future. 1) STUDY. Those grades will make it easier for you to get a better degree (aka more money). 2) PUT THE ALCOHOL DOWN AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. You'll want that money for more exciting things to happen in Hollywood. 3) BE NICE TO YOUR FAMILY. There will be times in the future where you will need their help. Although they love you, you don't show it as much. 4) BE THANKFUL. You'll meet and lose a couple friends along your way. Life IS short, don't take them for granted. 5) TRY. Depression is a horrible thing. But if that energy spent reflecting could be directed towards something else, hard telling what you can do! A lot of your mistakes, misfortune and overall lessons learned are normal. Don't let them get to you too much. You only live once (as far as we know).... enjoy it. Be.... Happy. Oh, and hey. You'll meet a girl in MN. Be nice to her. Trust me. You'll regret it otherwise.


If I was to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first tell myself to take the time to really think about what type of career to go into. With so many different career paths it can be difficult to choose just one! Keep in mind that one can minor in a subject. For example one can minor in Spanish and major in Communications. It makes sense to minor in a subject that can be helpful for your major. Secondly, I would tell myself to do some research on student loans and how to apply for scholarships. Trying to get financial aid, a student loan, or a scholarship can be very difficult, so do not be afraid to ask questions! Use your resources, go online, use the telephone, talk to diffent professors. Remember to not rush through college, and focus as much as you can on school, four years will go by fast! I would also tell myself to not forget about Study abroad, Internships, and Graduate school. And lastly, don't forget to have fun!


If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would of wished i did better in school. I wish I would of studied harder. I wished I had saved up money because even though Holyoke Community is the cheapest college around I barely make it from semester with tution and book fees.