Hood College Top Questions

Describe the students at Hood College.


They are typically stuck up and into their clothes. Many are bisexual or gay.


Majority of my classmates are hardworking; those that are not don't do well.


My classmates are the some of the best friends that I will ever have.


Intelligent, friendly and united students capable of achieving all of their goals with the great potential they show through their classroom work and extra curriculum activities.


Many of the students I have encountered at Hood College are full-time students who live on campus; they are friendly and approachable, though they seem more concerned with getting through the classes themselves than earning and maintaining a high GPA.


My classmates are very studious, helpful, and fun people that I can go to for help if I need it.


In all of my classes, my classmates are cooperative, friendly, and determined.


My classmates, who are passionate about learning, come from diverse backgrounds and ethnic groups, are open-minded, gregarious, studious, introverted, extroverted, conscientious, tall, short, and are apprehensive about their future and the job market.


My classmates are a diverse group of people who love learning and are willing to open their minds to any situation, information, or person.


Many students at Hood College are kind and academically motivated to graduate college; they also like to meet new people and experience new ideas.