The main advice that I would give myself as a high school senior would be to not rush into making decisions, but to take time and enjoy the process. My senior year of high school was the least favorite of mine throughout highschool, mainly because I was focused on AP and honor classes and didn't enjoy being a senior. I'd advise myself to not make serious decisions, especially on career and major options, because it might change later on. I'd also advise myself to be involved in extracurricular activities and build relationships that will last beyond highschool. By doing this, I will have no regrets when I get to the college level and not wonder "what if?" All in all, I'd tell my high school senior self to savor the moment and have fun because you only get to be in high school once.
I would advise myself to start earlier in preparing for college. I feel like I tried to do some things last minute, and it caused me a lot of stress in the end. I would tell myself to always do things as early as possible to make life easier. I would also tell myself to utilize the campus resources more often, and not be afraid to ask for help. While being independent can be a good thing, sometimes you need someone else to lend a hand.
I would encourage all seniors to consider applying and going to a community college to earn all of their core credits (English, Math, Science, etc..) before going on to a 4 year college. This step allows you to figure out what you are interested in without paying those huge university tuition bills and if you have to work while in school, community colleges almost always offer night and weekend classes and you can take classes during the summer as well. Almost all credits earned at a community college are transferrable to four year colleges and some community colleges even have an agreement with some four year colleges that once a student has completed a certain number of credit hours at the community college level, they are guaranteed acceptance into the four year program of their choice. For those students looking to get into a job sooner, community college is usually the best place to go to get the degree you want in order to get an entry level job and there are many online colleges that can help you earn a higher degree once you have gotten your Associate's Degree from community college.
My simple advice to myself would be go. I didn't see the need to go to college after high school and started working instead. I am glad that now I have talked some sense into myself and realized that the only way to truly get ahead in life is to be educated. The more educated the better. I really enjoy school and all it has to offer, and have the time to actually reap the benefits. So if I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would kick myself right in the seat of my pants and scream WAKE UP. These are the years that you should enjoy what life has to offer and get the true fulfillment that only comes from going to college.