Make all of your grades count. Well, you should have done that all year around. But grades do factor in a lot on the outcome of the college or university that you want to attend. Apply for as many scholarships as you can and get all the financial aid you can. Dont lose focus on the things that are important that will help benifit you. Whatever anyone tells you dont let it discourage you from advancing your education. Dont rush into some thing that you arent prepared for. Make a schedule and plan ahead for the future. Dont be so reckless and care free all the time, youll forget your priorities.
It's time for you to wake up. Sure you don't drink or do drugs, for now, but just you wait... college life is a slippery slope full of distractions ready to push you down. Parties, alcohol, and drugs; it's an intoxicating atmosphere, which promises to make you feel better and have fun. The scariest thing about that though, is that it will follow through on that promise. At least momentarily it will, and you'll have the time of your life. Where will you be after the buzz has worn off though? I'll tell you. You will be laying in bed, skipping another week of classes, and hating yourself. That is where you will be unless you wake up now. High school classes are easy, yeah I know, but who cares. Learn to study, learn to say no to distractions, and put some actual time and effort into achieving your true potential. Most importantly, pick up a pen and begin writing poetry like you did when you were young. You have no idea how therapeutic it will be, and how much better you will feel. Wake up, because today is the day you change.
One advise I could give to myself is learn more about the major I want to archive in my life and what are the steps I have to take to get until the end.
Stay focused. Even though you may not know what you want to do for the rest of your life, don't stress and have fun trying to figure it out. It is a bit ridiculous forcing children who not too long ago had to ask to go to the bathroom to make a decision that would more or less impact them for the rest of their life, but hey, that's life. No matter what mistakes you make in life, always remember that it's never too late to make a change. Even though you're taking things slow by going to a community college, at least you're going to school. Don't waste your parents time and money. Stay focused and I promise that one day, you'll know exactly what you were put on this earth to do, and college will help you get there. Never give up, and always look forward to tomorrow.
If I had gone back in time towards my Senior year in High School knowing what I know now about College I would have told myself I need to work 10 times harder than I actually did. Although I passed and graduated High School its not enough to just pass. If you want to over succeed so you can pass the ones at the top and arent stuck behind then jump ahead and do your research as ask questions pertaining to college. All the oppurtunies I had to push myself I took them for granted and did metiocre work. Good things in life never come easy. Seek the help you need to get to where you beloing. Apply for scholarships and asking counselors for help to get ahead.
I will let myself know that going from high school to college is a great big change. It's going to be hard, but I can do it!
Dear younger self,
If for some miraculous reason this is able to reach you, I wish for you remember what I am about to tell you. In order to get into a proper college or university, you must start doing scholarships! I know it's difficult for you to be motivated, but in order to get a proper education and have fewer worries, this is a huge must! Followed by volunteering and starting to develop a proper study schedule, so that you learn how to manage time better. Speaking of studying, this is something that is unavoidable, college is definitely not like high school. If you are not able to grasp something, you must attend tutorials and practice at home so that you have a better understanding of what you are doing. Unlike high school, no one is going to look after you, you are in charge of yourself. You cannot be a baby and you need to take total responsibility. You might be afraid of what the future holds for you, but no worries! Most people are the same as you. Keep your chin up, remember growing up is a difficult thing to do and it will take time.
I have learned to be alot more patient and compassionate to my patients. I've also learned that studying and learning are alot easier when you are younger (I'm 53 now and in nursing school). I've also learned that life experience goes a long way in dealing with people, keeping your cool, and showing younger students how to really want a profession no matter how old you are and how we can all teach each other something. Everyone is so very unique that it is an exciting experience every day just to be alive and with other human beings, no matter what age, profession, education, etc.
I'm no philosopher, in fact I'm a business major, but my college experience has taught me the "essence of me"... who I am as a person. Most importantly, I have discovered who I want to be as a person. For so long I have been thinking in terms of the short run. What will I be doing a day from now? However, college is my pair of binoculars. It has helped me to see the long-run with all the obstacles along the way. Life. The pursuit of happiness. Reality. College is preparing me for next next leap of faith. My actions, study habits, time management, relations, and balance have all realigned to a more wholesome me. Some people would say knowledge is the most important thing you can learn from college, but I believe there is so much more. You learn who you truly are. You learn your worth...for what its worth, anyways.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, the monologue would go something like this:
"1) Do not take more than one writing class per semester. 2) Make sure you choose close friends who will prioritize studying and making good grades. 3) All the parties are the same. If you go to one per term, you should be 'good.' 4) Your instructors are hard because they are preparing you for life, not because they hate you. 5) Help other people understand material you have learned ; it will give you a greater understanding and ability to apply the knowledge for yourself. 6) Having brand new textbooks doesn't make your learning experience better than having used books, so save your money (or buy them from 7) Keep your textbooks - especially those specific to your major (you WILL need them again). 8) If you don't know, ASK SOMEBODY! Questions can be your best friends. 9) Manage your behavior and be a good steward of your time - college is neither forever nor free. And 10) The number one rule is: Studies first, extra-curricular activities second, jobs third, and social life LAST!"