Howard University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Howard University is best known for its historical legacy in the Black academic, entertainment, and business world. The alumni of the university are most of the world's greatest African-American creators and innovators. Today, Howard University is known for producing more outstanding legacy and the students on campus tend to be known as the best dressed college students in the United States.


Howard University is best known for over preparing its students for the corporate world. The university definitely prepares its graduates to attack the business world competitively and confidently. Even before students graduate, they are pushed to obtain an internship since greatness starts within Howard, not just afterwards. Howard has a reputation of sending its students across the world to study and work in countries that are beyond extraordinary. My school is best known for lifting its students up to experience opportunities that only a few are guaranteed to experience. Howard University prepares each student for anything that might come.


Our school is best known for its school of business.


My school is best known for producing successful black alumni.


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Howard University is best known for our legacy and the prominent alumni that have attended. There is so much rich history here and we are known to be one of the best HBCUs in the nation. Howard is known to be a lot of fun but we are also known for creating the most successful black Americans in society.


Howard University is best known for its distinguish alumni and long-lasting legacy. Formerly known as the "Mecca", Howard University is nothing short of its name. Founded in 1867 by Oliver Otis Howard, Howard University was the foundation of all African-American paintings, literature, and newsletters surfaced around the entire world and housed in the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, which was located in Founder's Library on campus. If anyone ask or inquires about the university, everyone should begin answering with, "Only at the Mecca..."


Howard is best known for its school spirit. The students all collectively hold Howard on a pedestal and support each other for the bare fact that we all attend the same school. This school spirirt is so strong that it encourages alumni to come back and donate money and ideas. During school events everyone is always eager to come together & either network, exchange ideas, learn something new, or have a good time.


Being one of the top HBCU's in the country and for producing a numerous amount of influential and successful African- Americans and Black Leaders.