Howard University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Howard University? Is this stereotype accurate?


As a highly known HBCU, Howard is known for it's academics and mainly homecoming. The stereotypes of a lot of Howard Students are uppity, smart, privileged African-American students. This couldn't be any further from the truth. A lot of students at Howard are on scholarship and have worked for their spot at the university. I believe another stereotype as well is the belief that all the students have great want to pledge. As Howard houses numerous Alpha Chapters of Sororities and frats, not every student at Howard wants to pledge or even be very socially active.


The stereotype at my school is that the students here are overall, "bourgeoise" black students. Though it can hold true for individual students, I think it's dependent on that person's upbringing and not so much influenced by the school itself. My school is also viewed as a "Black Ivy," because of its prestigious history and legacy. While this is not a negative stereotype, I believe the quality of education that is received depends upon the effort each student puts in. It is what you make of if.


One of the largest stereotypes of Howard University is that is is known as the black version of Harvard University. Howard is a well accredited historically black university which prides its findings on the higher education of students. Our school of business is AACSB standards which is the same accreditation as Cornell, Stanford, and Yale. (Harvard recently changed their accreditation standards to fit a different format). In addition, our school of business allows students to have hands on experience in the business world starting freshman year with the 21st century advantage program where freshman work with fortune 500 companies including Google, Verizon, Bank of America, and Deloitte. Most students at the university pride on academic success and happen to be of Black or African-American decent, so in regards to being "the Black Harvard" the stereotype is accepted.