The classes are small, about the size of an average high school classs. This allows students to not only engage more with one another, but to also engage with the professor. you will know your professor and they will know you.
The pride you have as a Howard university student becomes a part of you as an individual. We have a common bond no matter what backround we come from. The diversity you see ,even though we are a Historically Black University, is amazining. People from literally all over the country and world. Different cultures, religions, struggles and outlooks on life. Another thing I love about Howard is that alot of schools tell you that the world is yours and there is nothing you can't do, but Howard university shows you that.
The best thing abolut my schoo is the social experience because it opens your world to so many new things.
The best thing about my school is that it breeds so many succesful African American leaders. This is a place where you can see people, like you, who want to go on and do great thigs in our world. It's such an inspiration to know that I go to a university with such a rich legacy.
One of the best things about my school is that everyone is very sociable. A prospective student can get connected to people who can potentially help pave the way to their success in the future. Howard University is a school full of networking. You have to be sociable and network in order to get the connects you may need later in life.
The best thing about my school is the networking opportunites. Our many alumnus often come back to the school to encourage and support us to do well so we can get high paying jobs and continue the Howard Legacy. They also are very generous with internship and job opportunities.
The best thing about my school is the close relationship that a student could have with a professor. Most of the classes are small and it is easier to learn and get to really know your teachers.
My school is located in Washington, DC, the pulse of the nation. This is where decisions that impact our country and even most countries globally are made. My school, to me is a great representation of the global community in which we all live. Both our faculty and student body are mad up of individuals with ties to all corners of the globe. This diversity helps us in being more accepting of each other's culture.
Opportunity. It exist here. No matter who you know or where you are from, the opportunity to improve your life after graduation. And along the way, you have the
The best thing about Howard is its great diversity amongst the students. I enjoy being immersed in a pool of diverse individuals. The school looks like a predominantly African American school, but in reality there are so many different backgrounds here; students come from all over the world such as, different islands (Jamaica, Haiti, Virgin Islands) to different continents Saudi Arabia and Africa. You never know who you're looking at, or where they're from and the most "American" looking people will have thick ascents when they begin to speak! I love meeting people from all over the world!