I would tell myself three things. First, I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships while still in high school. College costs a LOT! And there are many costs besides just tuition: books, housing, class fees, groceries, and more. Also, scholarships aren't limited to incoming freshmen. I would tell myself to continue to search for and apply for scholarships throughout my college education. Second, I'd tell myself not to take any early morning classes freshman year! Coming into school I took 8 o'clock classes, thinking I'd be just fine since that's what I did in high school. I was WRONG! Freshman year is way too fun to be waking up at 6:30 in the morning. Finally, I'd tell myself to work at making lifelong friends. College is one of those times that everyone says you'll look back on with fond memories, so I want to make sure I'm making good ones. School is important, but someday I will get my degree and leave school for the "real world," and I can only hope I'll be able to look back and say that I really and truly loved college.
The year is 1983 and I am sitting next to myself in an english class. I lean over to myself and say, "Dan, you have so much potential. Don't let anything distract you from going to college right away. You are a natural teacher who others look to for help. You have good intelligence and college is just more hard work. Decide now and go to college! You'll be better off to focus now and not have to struggle later in life without a college degree. I have been to your future and know how you served faithfully in a career that seemed thankless for so long. After many years of dealing with bad things, you will finally realize how much you love to help youth learn and think. You can skip all the visions of pain and death and going straight to what you want to do inside. Believe me and pursue your desire to become a teacher. Its what you want to be and where you can make a difference in a child's life. Believe in yourself."
"One last thing; save your money for school Dan, the student loans will harness you for years."
Dear past senior me,
College is almost exactly the same as everybody says it is. High school may have been painless to get through, but that's because you have helping hands at every road block in your eduacational way. College is all about how strong your mentality is and how willing you are to do extra work. The professors certainly won't push you through class like in high school. However, the student s are much more open-minded and easier to converse with without actually having to know them. Everyone seems as willing as you to create bonds to people that would not be typical in that high school clique. Activities and clubs are everywhere! Try them out! Don't be afraid to make those possible life long friends and find yourself. It's about the experience and fun as well as the education. Don't give up when the homework gets tough and learn to ask for help when you need it. But most of all, don't take classes that are before 8 or 9 AM because those are the hardest to attend to, and attendance it half the battle in college.
your future self
Go to college, live on campus and take chances. This is the best time of your life and you need to try as much as possible while the opportunity is still there. Never regret what you do, only grow from what you've done. Meet as many people as you can and keep because they will be your friends for life.
If I could go back in time and tell myself how to adjust to college life I would tell myself to never put anything before school. Once you put anything before schooling it is hard to put school first in life. I would say ?Steven, when you want to be home or have a good time with your friends, instead of going to school and listening to a lecture, then think of the future because once you make a choice you can never take it back. The choice that you make will affect you for the rest of your life. Steven, when you go to college focus on your homework and ignore all of the distractions along the path to a higher education. Especially if the distraction is beautiful and asks to you to go to lunch with her.? I would emphasis that an important thing to education is to get involved with politics, clubs, and activates. I would also tell me to make friends so that college will not be a lonely experience. Most of all I would remind myself to remember all of those that love me.
The transtition from high school senior to be a freshman in college is sometimes hard to cope with at first and then after a few days you get used to it. Moving from one state to another was a big set for me and then going to a sc hool were i didnt know anybody was hard too. If i could go back i would tell myself that the transition was hard but going to ISU was the best decision i have ever made on my own. The advice i would give myself is to work hard and study a lot for the classes i am taking. From experience you need to study hars to achieve good grades in some of the classes. I know that making friends and having a social life are important but dont get caught up in life and forget to study and work hard to achieve the grades that you want in school.
You should take as many prep classes in High scool as you can. You should be serious about college or if not don't even go.
Don't wait to long to go to college. You will have a better time of getting a good job with a college degree.
A person needs to be completely committed to college before entering college. College is not like high school at all, expectation of personal study and growth are essential.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself not to stress so much on the difference between college and high school. I would tell myself not to listen to what everyone else told me and not to psych myself out. The change was not as significant as people had tried to tell me it was. By taking AP and honors classes I had some preperation for the amount of work, and the need to talk to my teachers when I have a problem. I was in a similar situation with my social life as well. I would tell myself that because of the programs set in place with my church, there were plenty of opportunities for me to meet new people and make new friends. Even though it was a little different coming to college, if I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school I would make sure I knew that some change is good and college life is not nearly as different and difficult as I could imagine it to be.
I would make sure that I saved all of my money I earned. Make sure to make quality friends and know who to trust, and learn how to manage my time and be organized at a young age.