If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would emphasize the importance of studying hard and doing the very best that I could in my last year. I would ask myself to spend free time reading an assortment of different books, and having a dictionary word each day to learn. I would teach myself time management skills, so I could be better equipped to handle college life. I would ask myself the importance of having a well rounded education. Then telling myself to take more classes of the things I liked, and even some that didn't like as much, to have a broader range of knowledge. I would tell myself to take summer college courses that would continue to keep my mind fresh so I didn't have to jump start my brain when I got to college. Lastly, I would tell myself that college is going to be hard, stressful, and painful sometimes. However, it is worth it because of the friends that you meet, the professors that push you harder because they believe in you, the education you get, and all of the fun times you will have. Good luck!
Kelly don't wast your time go to college. Don't take the summer off get setup for school as a Freshman. Don't let other people take advantage of you an make you think all you can be is a good mom and house wife. You areso much bettr then that and you need to reach for the stars. You have no limits and you need college to have a successful life and to be able to help your family grow. Don't have any children or get married before you take time for you. Get schooling out of the way and get your career going before you get married and have a family. Be selfish and work on your own goals before you have children and get married and always stay true to the goals you set for yourself. Don't let anyone stop you from acheveing your goals. And never lower your standards for anyone or anything believe me its not worth it. You will suceed if you follow this plan of action.
If you go on a college tour and the tour guide is very excited to share the campus and is often greeted by passing friends is a good sign that the college will offer a great social and friendl environmet. Don't be afraid to break out of your comfort zone.
When looking for the right college, the first thing you need to consider is if the college has a strong program for the field that you want to go into. The next thing you should consider is whether or not you want to attend a small school with less students and closer relationships with faculty and professors or a larger school with more students and lecture style classes. Once you found the right school for you, you need to find the right group to hang out with, develop good studying techniques, and most importantly, provided that you stay on top of your studies, enjoy yourself and have fun. College is an opportunity of a lifetime and you should treat it as such and enjoy it.
The advice that I would give to prospective students would be to most importantly find a college that suits your needs and your personality. The first question I would ask is whether you like a big or small college. This involves if you want small classrooms with individual help from professors or large classrooms. One advantages of a smaller college is that professors are generally more available to the students. However, in a larger college, professors normally are less invovled with individual students and therefore students may have more freedom or independence in their manner of study. Finding a college that you will be comfortable at will make your college experience more enjoyable and give you the best opportunities to learn.
I wish I would have taken more time on my college search. Things I would have looked at more include the housing and housing policy, the food, and variety of majors offered. I would visit each school not only on their open house days but also on a private visit and ask students questions not just the tour guide who has to say good things. Questions that would be helpful would be what the social life is on the campus, especially on weekends, and what organizations the school has to offer. After choosing your college I would go to all the welcome activities the school has, it allows you to meet all the incoming students and begin to make friends and the faster you make friends the sooner you will feel more comfortable at school. College gives you a fresh start so make the most of it.
In deciding which college to attend, there are many factors to consider. Students need to think about what they want to gain from their college experience. They also need to figure out what they plan to major in to make sure the college of their choice offers their major. Size and location is another important factor. The student must feel comfortable at their college. Although they will spend a great amount of time on-campus, it is important that they feel comfortable in the city or town in which the college is located. In order to make the most out of the college experience, an individual needs to set high goals and standards for themself. It is crucial to remember that a student is at college to grow academically and socially. The ultimate goal is to earn a degree and learn from the many experiences offered. Students also need to be open to trying something new. College is about broadening your horizons and pushing yourself to the limit. When a student graduates from college, the ultimate goal is to move on to the next phase in life ready to begin a career that he or she has been prepared for.
My advice would be go with what feels right with the student. Take all of the time needed to visit all campuses that catch your attention. Usually when one steps on the campus that is for them, they feel it right away. It's a great feeling to get out of the car and realize this is the place that you are meant to be. When the moment is right, you will feel it. Try and throw fears of money and failure out the window. If a school fits you right, everything works itself out. Having a college you feel comfortable and excited about creates a great atmosphere of learning and experience that every student should have at their college. Making friends and campus activities make the whole college experience worthwhile. Get your name out there and enjoy the greatest time of your life!
I would say go with your gut. When I visited campuses I expected that the way I would know where I was meant to go was to have an immediate big boom feeling once I stepped on campus. I never got that feeling but my gut told me IC was the right place for me I just had to choose to listen to it. I gave myself plenty of time to explore my options but I also set reasonable deadline to make my decision by so that it didn't consume my senior year of high school. Decide what is important to you in a college and make sure you get answers about those things when you visit the college. Also, while money certainly may play a role in the decision process, try not to let it be the deciding factor. You want to make sure you are getting a good education for the money you are spending and that you are going to not only learn but forge friendships as well which are key to making it through college. Yes money is important, but there is always a way to afford to school you want to go to.
Students, don't be too eager. Teenagers tend to be hasty, however this is not a decision that you should make quickly. It is not like picking out a new shirt; this is your future. Take a look at all of your options, looking at what you want to take out of your college experience. Don't base your decision on where your friends are going because you will make many new friends. While you may go to the same college or university as your friends, it is important to expand out and meet knew people.
Parents, let your kids look at all of their options before giving your opinions. I know too many classmates that went to college at the schools that their parents or siblings went to. Having the right education and experience is sometimes more important than keeping the tradition alive.
Picking a college can be stressful but it can also be very fun and exciting. Looking to the future can sometime be scary for high school student; however, my friends and myself became much more excited about college when we sat down and decided where we would be spending the next 4 years of our lives.