Illinois College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had know to take some summer genral education classes before attending to get them out of the way.




I wish that i knew that a smaller school means very few social activities compared to bigger schools.


I wish that I had known that the classes are limited when it comes to number of students admitted into each class as well as when each class is offered. Many times the classes that you wish to take or need to take are not offered every semester or even every year. I also was not aware at how much money was spent in the book store and how little you get back when selling back your books.


I wish I had known that the students do not have a voice. Unfortunately, the administration makes all the decisions and rarely considers the students' opinions. For example, very few students supported the plus/minus grading system, but despite our concerns, the grading system was implemented. I also wish I had known how great the professors truly are! Each professor remains dedicated to their subject and their students, which I find very rare in a college. No class is permitted to enroll more than 50 students so one will never be merely a number at Illinois College.


I wish i knew how hard the biology program was. The classes were much harder than those at other colleges and really lowed many peopl's GPA.


I wish I would have known that the college was going to go through a HUGE revamping of its structure, marketing, and grading system all in the time I am here. The College has changed way too much over the past two years, and I wish I would have known that these changes were going to happen.


How much I would like it and fit in