College is just as you pictured it...the just rolled out of bed look everywhere (even if most girls take 2 hours trying to acheive it!) No dress codes, no mandatory meetings, no one to tell you the ok and not ok of this "new life". You really have to learn things for yourself at IUP. Many people, minus a few people with selected "groups", are open to all new things and new friends. I can say I have had the most diverse group of friends, far more diverse than high school. You have your rich kids, your frat boys, your sorority sisters, your gangsters, your same-sex couples, your christians, your ROTC people, your jocks...any type of person can be found at IUP!
The student body is extremely diverse. I don't think anyone would need to feel out of place there. There is no sense of a cookie cut out student at IUP. There are of course the fraternity and sorority cliches as well as other "groups", but overall there is no sense of one dominant group.
IUP has a mix of all types of students there are students from all different types of backgrounds and cultures.
Clothing mostly consists of IUP gear; we keep the Co-op in business here! Foster dining hall is the place to be around Halloween, though. Last year I saw a gladiator running past me yelling, "Tonight we dine at Foster!!" It was great!
Most students are from PA and most are Democrats. This is a VERY Liberal school.
Variety of individuals. Many social activities to meet everyones needs/wants.
I have had no problems with students of a different race at IUP. Considering IUP is a very diverse school, I think this speaks volumes about the class of students at IUP. In my opinion the class of students at IUP is the most underrated thing about the school because IUP gets a bad rep as a school with "kids with no class" or i"mmature kids." Other than a few exceptions here and there, in my opinion this is definitely not true.
READ the BIG picture
I hate how when you walk through our oak grove, hardly anyone smiles. You are more likely to find friendly faces at the bar once everyone has had a few. There aren't alot of educated conversations taking place for the most part. You can find one, but you have to look. Alot of people are from Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. Most people are working/middle class.
Most students at IUP mainly seem to be from the Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. The IUP student body as a whole is very diverse.
We have a large body of race in this community. While white caucasian makes up a better portion, we still have a lot of different people from around the world here at IUP. You want to be exposed to different walks of life or just get out of your little white-colored town, come here and you will be amazed.