Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus?


I brag about the campus life. Campus life is exciting and there is always something to do.


The education here is great. At my previous school the professors didn't care as much and they were just lecturing me, not actually teaching me. Here, I am actually learning and comprehending the material being taught. The professors care about you and if you're struggling they are here to help. There many other resources, such as the library and the writing center, to assist students as well. The main goal here is to succeed and if that's what you want to do, then Indiana University of Pennsylvania is where you should be.


I brag about the international population. Although my school is located in a small town, many students come to study there from all over the world. Most of my friends, including my husband, are/were international students, and I am really thankful that I was able to meet them on campus.


The residence halls are very luxurious. Most of the professors are very approachable and care about their student's success


I usually brag about the quality of the dorms, because their dorms are a lot nicer than most schools. The campus as a whole is aesthetically pleasing and very pretty, and that comes up often in conversation.


IUP is constantly changing; there's always something new going on at IUP every year. Additionally, it's really easy to make a lot of friends on campus and also with the local folks.


The best thing about this school is the professors. They are dedicated to their feild, and extremely helpfull to students.


how great the campus is


the honors college is a place i really fit in at. I have made so many friends that I would consider friends for life. There are plenty of extracurricular activities to be involved in that relate to my major, my future career, and my religion. there are chances for me to be involved on campus and in the community. the area surrounding the school is gorgeous with the hills of pennsylvania. People here really want to learn and succeed. the Honors College really is a community of scholars.


The one thing that I appreciated most in my high school was its size. I often brag to the students I now attend college with about the small student to teacher ratio and the closeness of the students. The fact that I went to a small school allowed me to become very close to my teachers making it easy to ask for and receive help.


The thing I brag about the most would be my major, I love learning new things every day. I feel like IUP has given me so many opportunities. I cannot wait to go out on my own and be a designer, I feel like I'm prepared. The classes are just the right size I never feel lost or like I am just a number. Everyone here is so friendly and outgoing and always willing to help. I feel lucky to be here and know that I am making a difference.


It's a new and exciting experience. I enjoy meeting new people and that is one of the great things about going away for school. There are tons of people to meet and there is a group for someone. There are tons of opportunities do try new things and be a part of different groups and organizations.


I would not say that I brag about IUP but I am extremly satisfied with the faculty. They are all understanding and extremly willing to help me grow and develope into a functional member of society. Some of them, I would even go as far to say they are more like friends than professors.


I tell them how supportive they are of the students. All of my professors were willng to put forth extra time and effort in order to help their students succeed. I also talk of the campus life and teh diversity of students that attend the University.


I brag about the teachers and the ROTC program I am involved in. Also I'll tell them about the Oak Grove and all the snow we get.


I love my professors-they're great and the class sizes are smaller, (usually under thirty students, less for English classes). I feel like the English degree I'll earn will be one of the best, and that I'm getting a great education for what I pay for.


How small and friendlt it is when people can't really stand a large school were you feel like a number instead of a person.


It is a fun school and there is usually something to do.


I like how all the buildings are being torn down and are being rebuilt. So basically everything on campus is new and all the new funding goe to new technology/ buildings. I also tell them that since its a smaller school I have the opportunity to have more hands on experience with the teachers and can receive more help when needed.


Party school with a good football team