Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus know before they start?


The advice that I would give to myself would be to pay more attention to subjects such as Math and Science. They are very important subjects for the college process. I would also advise myself to do more research when choosing a college.


I would tell my high school senior self to apply to scholarships now and don't wait and to study more because your grades do count. Since being at college, I have learned that people take their grades very serioulsy and in order to do well and keep your grades up you have to cut time out from hanging with friends and staying up at all hours of the night hanging out. Your grades effect you in the future more than you know and being away from home for the first time can be fun but you have to take responsibilty for yourself and own up to your mistakes.


The advice I would give myself would have to be do not give up to easily also I would have to tell myself move at your pace, not everyone else's. I didn't go the traditional route as everyone else, I graduated high school in 2011 and worked because I saw how expensive school was and I started when I was ready. I was not excited about college when I was fresh out of hig school but now I am, so if I could go back in time and talk to my old self I tell me don't let others pressure you into going because they want you to do better, you have to want it yourself so go when you are ready.


Create the person you want to be every single day. Take control every morning and choose to be happy and accept yourself for who you are. One morning you’ll wake up and not question the identity you’re creating, but until that day make each new day count. Stay true to yourself. You make mistakes, but each and everyday starts new and fresh, those mistakes are in the past. Last but not least, ask questions. No one will ever be able to tell you all the answers, but the journey to find out is sometimes more important than the question itself. Be patient and appreciate that you are living life everyday, enjoy it!


If I could go back and share my wisedom of what I know now, I would tell myself to start saving as much money as i can now. If I dont need it to survive in this world, then do not buy it. The second piece of advise that I would give myself is, be careful of who you hang out with. If something doesnt feel right, fallow your guit, because it tends to be right. And the last piece of advise would be, enjoy yourself, go out and have fun, but always remember school comes first. You are going to college for an education, not a socail life.


Make a better effort to connect with the professors. Their input and collaboration are a necessity.


If I could go back, I would give myself the same advice that every wise adult gave me at the time... college is mandatory for a comfortable future. I am 35 years old and I am now getting back to college. There are days it is impossible because life keeps happening. I wish someone had explained to me that by 28 the wiz-kid syndrome wears off; and there is no such thing as a wiz-man. Great job prospects force you to compete with people who are smarter, faster, younger and have more flexible time schedules than you. They are armed with resume as impressive as yours and a degree may be the one thing that gets you the job you want instead of your second (or 5th) choice. Not only is it an education, but it proves to employers that you have stick-to-itiveness, which is the number one quality every employer wants to see.I would say that I know first hand how hard it can be with no diploma. I also know first hand that if you wait to get your education, the opportunity to may not be there next time you look.


Knowing what i know now about college life and making the transition the advice i'd give senior me would be take things seriously. My whole high school years i took it as a joke and never really considered it to be as important as i thought; but i was really wrong. I really wish sometimes i could go back and just really start thinking the way i think now. I went from thinking like a child to really thinking like the adult that i've become. Which is why i'd make sure i didn't slack off my senior year, and not skip class whenever i didnt feel like going because i was only hurting myself and not anyone else.


I would tell myself to take all of the AP tests that I qualified for and to study for them as much as possible. I didn't take any of the AP tests I qualified for and I regret it. I would have been able to opt out of two gen eds if I had gotten a high enough score. I would tell myself that even though I am afraid to leave home, just do it. If you don't, you'll end up transferring later. I would remind myself that I am intelligent and can handle college.


Money is a requirement when going to college. Everything has a price, tuition, books, food, laundry, etc. Back in high school I failed to fill out as many scholarship applications as I could. Thinking back now that is one of the main things I would say I regret. If I would have put more time into filling out scholarship applications as I did on social networks or just lounging around I probably would be going to school for free. I didn't know how stressful it could be worrying about where the money for my tuition is going to come from until now. I now apply for as many scholarships as I can so that I won't have to take out as many loans to pay for school.


Academically, college is very different than high school, so I would tell myself to reflect on the best ways that I learn. In college, it is your responsibility to take your education into your own hands, which goes beyond attending classes and studying. Be wholly committed to your education both inside and outside of the classroom and embrace opportunites with fervency! You need to actively seek your interests and learn through your experiences as well. Take the opportunity to study abroad, get a job off campus, learn a foreign language, work in a hospital, take a class unrelated to your major out of sheer interest, or involve yourself in community service. Chase after anything that you're interests you, because there is so much room for growth here, and you have only four short years to take advantage of it.


The advice i would give myself back in highschool would be to get more involved. In highschool, i pretty much went to school, came home and did my homework, and did the same thing over again everyday. I wish that i got involved in way more clubs and organizations in highschool because i think extracurricular activities in high school can help you transition into extracurricular activies in college. I know for me I can be very shy. So joining clubs in college was a little hard because it hard for me to meet knew people. Also I would tell myself to begin looking for scholarships well before you even attend college. Everyone says go to college, but college is not cheap. I for one really wanted to go to college and im glad i do, but its also hard to make sure you have enough money to pay for it. I wish I started looking for scholarships earlier because they do help. I just want to be able to go to college, get my degree, and start my career. In order to fullfill my dreams I have to make sure that i can pay for college.


If i was able to go into the past to tell myself what college is going to be like then i would tell myself that I should pay atytention to everthing the Professor is saying and every ounce of homework should be done before the due date. I would tell myself to be early for classes and go to classes I weightlisted into because someone might not show up and I can take there spot. The advice i would give to myself for transitioning into college life style is to stay the same no matter what. Also that if you are you, you are going to make plenty of friends. Taking every oprotunity that is handed or found. The things the college has to help you should use it to all of you advantages. All in all I would tell myself not to worry that everything will go fine as long as I work hard. The outcome is decided on how much you want you outcome goal to look like.


Honestly I would tell myself to worry a little less, in high school I was so worried about getting into a good college, moving away from home, financial issues, grades, what major to pick, what life would be like living on a dorm, if my classes would be hard, basically everything I could think of. After moving in and beginning the fall semester, however, I really noticed that there wasn't a whole lot to worry about, and especially given all the resources offered to the students, whether it be tutoring or office hours, I realized now that I was worrying a little too much, with the only real concern now being financial issues. Most other issues though, I realize now aren't as bad as I thought they were going to be, and that's something I wish I had known earlier so I could have put my mind at ease.


Assuming I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself a lot of important advice but there are 2 main points I would tell myself. The first thing I would tell my younger self to get involved in more extracurricular activities and sports. I was never into sports as a kid and I believe a lot of my physical shortcomings are because of that. If I was in sports I would have been to interact with different people and become a lot stronger physically as a person. Another important thing I would tell myself is to try to be better at math from a younger age. I have always struggled in Mathematics and this has made it tough for me to do well in all my math classes throughout school. If I was better at Mathematics I would most likely have a way easier time through college. I feel as a Computer Science major I have a vast disadvantage to many other students taking the class as I am not good at Mathematics. I always pull through in my classes, but it is a constant struggle for me during school.


If i could talk to 17 year old me as a senior in high school, firstly i would be amazed. I would tell myself some things involving positivity, to keep his head up and dont get easiy discouraged just because something is a little more difficult than things im used to. I would also tell myself to go to school open-minded and open up some more. Also the very most important thing i would have told myself is to focus and work hard, apply what you learn and be dedicated.


I know that I would tell myself how different my life would be once I got to college. I’d tell myself that dating someone 2 years younger then I wasn't the right decision going into college. Now going into my senior year of college, I know I would tell myself to try harder and get better grades in high school so I could maybe get more help paying for college. I think the most important thing I would tell myself in high school is how important it is to enjoy the time that you spent away at school instead of being lonely and going home every-other weekend. My 21 year old self looks back at the 18 year old me and I see someone who was completely unprepared for what life has to offer when you get older. I think I would tell myself that it's ok to be scared about life and that if you don't know what you want to do it’s o.k. to take a little time to figure it out. I know I’ve learned a lot sense I left high school and grown into myself.


Even in my young age of 22, I sometimes find myself thinking, "Wow. If only I knew that then..." College, being one of those topics. I would tell myself that though high school may have prepared you academically, the social norm of "trying to fit in" doesn't apply in college. College is this great new world were popularity contests are few and far between. If you have a story, people will listen. Differences are more celebrated than looked down upon. This is your time to explore. Jump in! Have fun, learn something new everyday, meet all kinds of people, try new things, find out who you truly are and the impact you want to leave in this world. Yes, you are starting something new. It can be scary, and you still will encounter those seemingly impossible people who will try to bring you down at times. But you'll be able to handle that too, because you'll start to feel confident in this great person you're discovering: yourself. Whatever dispositions or insecurities you feel or have felt, you can start to let go. Know that being yourself, is equivalent to being great.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell my self to work harder to find scholarships. Sometimes it can be hard to take on student loans with the rising rate of student loan interests.


If I was able to talk to my high school self, I would tell myself that college isn't as easy as I think it is going to be. It is very tough and requires a lot of work in order to succeed. I would tell myself to prepare myself for saying goodbye to my family, but to embrace the independence I am given. You can't just have fun all the time. You have to study a lot to pass your classes with good grades and make the Dean's List. I would just want to prepare myself for what is to come and how to cope with living on my own.