Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known the value in choosing a major that would allow for continued success and opportunity in my future.


no not really.


I wish I would have known the importance of scholarships and grants. By knowing of the importance of scholarships and grants, I could have properly managed my current financial bind that I am currently in at this present moment. Now I have to remove myself from school for a semester to handle my financial situation. I wish I would have known how to properly look for the right scholarships and grants that were the best match for me.


i wish i knew how much work would be involved or how to manage my time better. i struggle with getting everything done in a day.


I wish I had known before I started school here how lound and obnoxious everyone is on campus. Then possibly I could have chosen a different place to live with fewer distractions.


When I got to school I started to reconsider what I picked for my major. I wish I had looked into other majors before I went to school and spent so much money. Also, I could have started at a community college to decide. It would have been better for me to have checked all my options before I picked a school. While, I now feel that music education was the right choice, I wish I would have looked at other choices before making that decision.


I wish that I had known what field I wanted to be in before I started my undergraduate program. I wish that I had known what fields actually had a large availability of jobs. I changed my major because I found there were not many jobs for people with a degree in my old major.


Probably the english language better.


I wish I would have known how much it actually snows in the Winter!


Before I attened IUP I wish I would of known a little more about the lay out of the school. I was a little lost throughout the first week, but it was easy to get used to.