Pick a college that you want to go to. Don't choose a college just because all of your friends are going there. Remember this will determine the rest of you life. Last but not least "Go For It!" This is your life live it up. Meet new people and create new bridges so that you'll never drown in the river of life.
The advice that I would provide to parents as well as soon to be college students is as follows; take your time and do not make an impulsive decision when deciding on the school of your choice. Also,make sure that the student really wants to pursue a higher level of education. I feel that if the student is not sure if college is for them, then let the student take a year off. It is better to take your time and make the right choice, rather than waste a semesters worth of money trying to get it figured out. Last but not least, understand that you are about to work harder than you have ever worked in your life, and you need to be prepared for it. Between homework, exams, studying, working, and maintaining a social life all at the same time, there will be time you will feel overwhelmed. Schedueling your week in advance is a great way to stay on top of all of your priorities, as well as providing you with a quality that will make you a competitive choice with future employers.
Get financial aid. Go to the school you feel is best for you. I chose IPFE beacuse it is a good school in many aspects but in other aspects it is not. If I had the money I would have gone to a Chrisitan College. I feel that there is too much stress put on students financially and academically and leave you to fend for yourself. I even had a situation where I was never told that I was behind in credits. I also have had many situations where professors act very unprofessioally and when we go to fill out an evaluation on them no one cares. If we turn them in no one cares. I had a professor once tell me that the holocaust never happened and if it did the Jews deserved it. SEROUSLY what kind of sick twisted stuff is that? Be prepared to put up with alot of bs from professors. It is sad that I have to even write something like this but no one has ever taken the time to ask and cared enough to know until now. I thank you for that. I am working hard and need much financial aid to finish,.
Check to make sure academic advisors who care about your progress are employed by this school!
Go to a college that you really want to go to and that you have passion for. That way you stay involved and ingaged. Have fun and stay focused.
I would say that they should have their children go to a few classes and just sit in them for awhile to see how the prfessors are for themselves. I think it would be best for them to decide if they want a large or small classroom aspect INSTEAD of a large campus. Also,the level of academic requirements and pace of the child's learning should be highly considered. Also, studying for SAT/ACT tests are very important and determine the level of classes that each child will start out at.
You should really think about what you want for yourself and what you want in a school before deciding upon one. Consider what will be best for you.
Go with your gut and what feels right! Try and find a way to afford a school that you may want to go to, but think it is impossible because of cost. You will regret it in the end. Be patient with school, but NOT too patient. Make sure you choose a school that is going to keep you motivated and moving along on your career path. Be sure to use all of the resources available, and DON'T rely on others to get you to and through college!
My advice to parents and students is to research each college the student is interested in. The campus visits are worth the one day away from school. I always learned a lot. The student needs encouraging in completing applications. If they talk about just one school do not just let them apply to one school, push them to strive for more than just their "dream college." The college may not be all it was in their dreams. Bottom lime is to take the time to research the college. The student needs to be sure that they are willing to devote their time into a campus that they feel is made for them.
My advice to those looking for the right school is deciding which schools offer the best on-campus learning enviornment. Everything should go into effect when making any big decision including finances, environment, social meetings, clubs, employment availability as well as the teaching of the professors. Every college has it's own methods and styles of learning and finding the right college means picking the one that best fits your career goal.