Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college life there are two things that I would tell myself. These two things would play a huge role in my financial future as well as my educational opportunities. The two things I would tell myself would be 1) Only take out education loans which are necessary and stay away from Private Education Loans (and) 2) Take your education serious because a 2.7 GPA will make it difficult when you try and apply to Graduate School. I made the mistake of funding most of my education and living expenses through private education loans. I was in a situation where I was not receiving assistance from my parents although I was classified as "dependant" student. Since my parents made decent money I qualified for very little in federal aid. Now I have experienced troubles paying back those high interest private student loans.


Justin, I know you've made it by through slapping things together and getting a good grade. Unfortunately, this is not gonna fly. You need to pull it together and make sure that you study and work and actually care about your classes. You also have to save your money, because without money you can't do some amazing things. Make sure to keep that drive, that fire, that motivation to succeed in your head at all times. If you lose it, you will fail. You need to stop assuming you are a one man show and actually ask for help when things get tough. Don't think you can handle something just because it looks easy. Ask for help. Don't be afraid to make friends, and stand up to people who accuse you of being less than them. Don't be afraid to join clubs and meet people. Make sure to watch your spending. Otherwise, just keep a level head and don't let anything stop you.


Get Involved! College is a period of time that you can make mistakes, challenge norms, and re-invent/re-discover yourself and it is not only okay, it's encouraged. There are programs, clubs, events, and organizations for anything you could want to discover and couriousity of these groups is usually met with support and acceptance. Join groups that you know and find new expierences out of your comfort zone. Be a tourist for a day and visit every building on your campus, and spend a week being a tourist in your college's town. You WILL be amazed at how many awesome things that are right under your nose. My advise is to get involved and most importantly buy into your educational expierence; you will become a more well-rounded person and have a better college expierence.


If I were a highshcool freshmen, I would take the hardest classes offered. I know now that higshcool in no way prepairs students for college, and the change is not only shocking, but very difficult. If I had a chance I would work harder at building study skills and time managment skills. I also would have worked more, and saved money so that I could spend less time working in college, and more time focusing on classes.


Don't stay in Indiana for college!


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self I would give myself much advise. I would advise myself to fill out more scholarships and try to get more grants and awards. I would advise myself to chose a school in which I could get more involved in things such as soroities. Getting to know many different people starting freshman year would be great advise becasue knowing more people on this campus is a must in order to not be bored. I would advise myself to get to know my academic advisor right from the get go. Getting involved in campus activities and going to school functions such as games would have been good advise to have going into the college life. I think that if I would have gone to school functions prior to getting into the nursing program I would have many more friends at school, which would make my social life much better than it is now.


Making the transition from high school to college is hard. It's even harder going from an online high school to college. So, prepare yourself! Find out now what works for you as far as class scheduling and homework. It will make going into college so much easier! Also, take college more seriously. Put in more homework time, do extra credit, supplemental reading, anything and everything that will help. Most importantly don't put anything above your classes. Your future always comes first!


Being an international student here is definitely a wonderful experience. I am experiencing new culture and a new way of life, and the college has really helped me integrate better. The teaching system is different and I constantly compare it to my home country, it's interesting to find out what is better here or there. Also, I feel like I'm learning a lot everyday from my classes as well as from my extracurricular activities where I get to communicate with lots of different people.


I have learned that education is valuable and should be cherished. My education is very important and I strive to get the grade I want and deserve. I have also learned that it takes alot of hard work and dedication to get everything done while you atend college. And it is very important to complete all assignments and turn everything in on time. College is dedication and it can be tuff, but I am willing to stick it out for the long run.


So far I have gotten quite a bit out of my college experience. I know feel more responsible and have a better understanding of time management. It takes a lot of thought to make sure and get all the tasks done for the week that must be completed. Procrastination is not well advised in college; the sooner I can get my projects and assignments done the better because I know the work will be better if I have more time to do it. I feel like college has given me more insight into what it will take to be able to live on my own in the real world. I must then be able to take care of myself, a family, and my job. All of which will take a good sense of how to get thinks completed in a timely fashion.